100th post

April 24th, 2008

Here it is the 100th post.  It’s a nice tradition in this crafty blog world to have some sort of contest or giveaway on occasions like these.  And even though I’m crap at responding to comments, they really do push me to do more and better things.  This sewing book is a great example . A year ago I would have thought up this idea, but probably never got around to making it, and then proceed to mope around because I never do the things I say I will.  No more!  And it’s all because of you.  So the sewing book pictured above is yours (sans supplies) if you win.  Just leave a comment on this post–a joke, a recipe, a book recommendation, the name of your dog, whatever–and Monday I will pick a winner (by random).  If you’ve never left a comment before, go ahead and do so. Click on the comments and write your email in the space provided (no one can see it but me) and if you don’t have a website just leave that space blank.   There are more pictures of the book on my flickr site if you’d like to see.  

Because I’m almost up to 1000 comments (it’s at 984 right now) there will be a secret prize for the 1000th commenter! Good luck! And I’ll see you on Monday.

Posted in craft.

72 Responses to 100th post

  1. Beth says:

    Count me in!… It’s so cool. I’ve got recipes on the mind so I’m goin’ with this one to share (spring rolls– Yum.):


  2. Nichol says:

    Ohhhh! Exciting! My dog’s name is Albert. My book recommendation is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathon Safren Foer.

    Congrats on your 100th post!

  3. Annika says:

    Ooh, it’s lovely!

    I made butter today, using this incredibly easy method: http://www.allotment.org.uk/allotment_foods/Making_Butter_at_Home.php

    Not exactly a recipe, but sooooo good!

  4. Lisa Stein says:

    Yay! I ‘ve been coveting this since I saw you post it a while back. I just have NO sewing skills. I’m trying!

    My dog’s name is Tucker. :O) He’s an 8 year old Golden Retriever. The best boy, ever.

    Latest favorite books are the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer.

  5. Julia says:

    OH!! so great. I love this work book!! (Hoping my name is drawn) How about some Whole-grain pumpkin bread http://sometimesjuliasews.blogspot.com/2007/11/sometimes-i-bake.html
    It’s my favorite. yummm

  6. Katy says:

    Congrats to you!!

  7. Stefanie says:

    hello, names Stefanie, live in Wisconsin. have a little girl named Leila who sits on my lap while I read great blogs like yours. Happy 100th post!

  8. Sarah says:

    I just love the supply case you made, and love it when people use old crafty books! Your blog is lovely, congrats!

  9. Eve says:

    Happy 100th and 1000th! (even though I’m sure I’m a little bit early on the second one.)


  10. alix says:

    What do you do with a piece of cheese that’s a year old?

    Sing it happy birthday.

    Sorry I don’t have a dog.

    But if I did he’d be called Goose.

  11. alix says:

    You do know I could be a right pain in the arse and leave another, say, 8 comments, that should pretty much guarantee the secret prize?

  12. alix says:


    ok only joking

  13. alix says:

    Ha, not really. Yes I will stop. Sorry to use your blog for my own mirth. This is how a girl alone at home has fun at night.

  14. alix says:

    by my addition we’re now up to 999
    so I’ll leave it to the next lucky lady.
    Or gentleman.

  15. Since you’re into nursery rhymes (elsie marley), how about a short nursery rhyme?

    Doctor Foster went to Gloucester
    In a shower of rain.
    He stepped in a puddle
    Right up to his middle,
    And never went there again.

    That one sort of reminds me of the elsie marley one a little. I dunno. Maybe because it’s about a person? : )

  16. kristin says:

    you are soooo clever!! love this design…and congrats on 100!! may there be many more xxx

  17. suse says:

    My dog’s name is Sailor. He’s a bit thick, but we love him.

  18. MIchelle says:

    Congrats on the 100th post!

  19. Sarah M says:

    I love your blog!! My dogs are King Tut and Little Dog (we named him “Little” because I was supposed to give him away and not get attached – that was over a year and a half ago). I just made fabulous buttermilk biscuits: four cups flower, 2 tsp salt, 4 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp baking soda, 4 TBSP sugar, 10 TBSP butter (I use smart balance) cut in, and 1 and 1/2 cup buttermilk mixed in lightly. Bake at 450 for 10 minutes (or less if your oven is as hot as mine).

  20. Kelly says:

    Wow, great sewing! Such nice people in the blog world.

  21. sallyd says:

    happy 100th blog post.. congratulations on your sewing adventures.. i have to say that it is wonderfully creative types like yourself that inspire me to create things too.. keep up the great blog & creations..

  22. Nicole says:

    Congrats!! your sewing books are amazing!!

  23. Anna says:

    Well, I’ve been thinking for at least 10 minutes for a joke to put down but apparently I don’t know any. My lovely dog, Nikita died last year and I’m not ready for another one. Can’t remember the last book I read, probably because I spend too much time reading blogs. So how about a quick recipe for my favorite guac?

    1 mushed up avocado
    1 de-seeded chopped tomato
    A squirt or two of lime juice
    Mix and put avocado pit in bowl to increase length of freshness.
    Spread on a sandwich or use as a dip.

    Enjoy! Happy 100th!

  24. Belinda says:

    Man, I love your work. I’m always excited to see what you have been up to when I see your thumbnails on flickr. Keep doing what your doing girl, it really fab!