Archive for the ‘misc’ Category


color week.


color week.

pick a winner

and the winner is…Christine from phila craft.  She even made up a little poem for the occasion:

Elsie Marley never whines.
Her stuffed moostachios are truly fine–
Crazy Elsie Marley.

And the 1000th comment and winner of the secret prize is Julie from letter9.  You have won the first book in the make it yourself series. yee haw!

It was nice hearing from all of you.  I’ll have to do this again sometime. Leya is hosting color week this week and I’m going to join in the fun–take a little break after 100 blathering posts.

have a good week!

p.s. winners, please email me your mailing address and I’ll send off the loot.


Recently, I’ve been lucky enough to be featured on some fantastic websites and blogs.  This might look like I’m tooting my own horn (and I might be, a little) but I want to thank them all for choosing to showcase my work and my home.  A few days ago, a magazine called Artful Blogging came in the mail and I had never heard of the magazine much less subscribed to it, but when I open it up there was a picture of my plush diggers!  Next to some amazing artist work no less–Heidi Kenney and Ann Wood, two women I greatly admire.  This picture is in an article about the website whipup.  A great website and one I’m happy to be associated with. The Plush You! exhibit at Schmancy (a store in Seattle) was what started my toy making desire in the first place, so I was super excited to see some of my toys on their blog.  And not only did Cookie magazine highlight my home in their blog, nesting (thanks joanna) but today my kids’ room is pictured on the Apartment therapy blog Ohdeeoh! Then last night after putting the kids to bed I looked on Etsy and there were my felt rocks on the front page. I have thoroughly exhausted my fifteen minutes of fame and will probably be totally uncool tomorrow, oh well.  Thank you to everyone, you made my week.

This is my 99th post, so tomorrow will be my 100th. duh. And I’ll be hosting a little giveaway!  So check back tomorrow.

seven things

I may be gone on and off from this little blog for a few weeks.  I need to spend my time sewing (not blogging) for this sale.  So, I’ll leave you with 7 random things about me.  Christine from sewchristine tagged me with the 7 things meme and though I’m still on the fence about these meme things (brings back a crazy chain letter obsession I had in fifth grade) I thought what the hell.

1. I’ve been to Syria

2. I only have one bobbin

3. when I use scissors my jaw moves up and down

4. I am the youngest of six

5. I love a good turkish breakfast

6. I majored in philosophy

7.  I made this cake and it was much better than a ding dong.

there are rules to this whole thing and here they are:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog. 2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. 3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. 4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

So I am tagging

1. shiso mama

2. hyena in petticoats

3. five green acres

4. write mama write

5. beetlegirl design

6. domesticali

7. dear meagan