crocheted stone

August 2nd, 2010

I crocheted this sweet little stone for a friend’s birthday this weekend.  Margie Oomen makes beautiful covered stones and kindly wrote up a pattern for this one: little urchin crochet covered sea stone.  It was my first time using crochet thread and it was a little difficult, but very satisfying–I see many doilies in my future. This was a great first project because it doesn’t have to be perfect and in fact it looks better when it’s not.

(I think I might even like the back better than the front) The rock came from schoolhouse beach on Washington Island in Wisconsin: a beautiful beach covered in stones, that we found out later you aren’t supposed to remove from the beach. oops.

Posted in crochet.

11 Responses to crocheted stone

  1. Kimberly says:

    It’s beautiful! What a fantastic first time! I am so intimidated by crocheting for some reason, but I’ve seen these darling little stones and have wanted very badly to make my own. Perhaps I’ll give it a whirl!

  2. That is so cool! I wish I could crochet, too. I’m just a terminally beginner knitter.

  3. I saw that pattern, I have the thread and I have a pebble – now I just have to find the motivation and a quiet moment to myself (I’ll never hear the end of it if my husband thinks that I’m crocheting clothes for pebbles now…). You’ve helped on the motivation front, mind – how pretty!

  4. Karin says:

    That looks so pretty, what a wonderful idea. And haha, the comment about crocheting clothes for stones and the respond from a husband on it is hilarious. I think I would get about the same reaction here :-)

  5. margie says:

    my response would be that gentlemen spend hours and hours of their time bashing away at tiny little white balls with large clubs so why not crochet a little coat for a stone.
    It doesn’t hurt anyone or anything.
    It is very meditative.
    Or better yet say nothing and just smile.
    I love your stone elsie and i agree with the wabi sabi nature of the art.

  6. kirsten says:

    i love this. it’s almost enough to make me want to learn how to do more than straight stitches…

  7. I want this photo as my screen saver. I love it.

  8. mon ami says:

    This is beautiful! Well done this is so inspiring.

  9. AJ says:

    It’s beautiful! I’ve been crocheting for some time, but have never gotten up the nerve to use thread. Nope, I do believe it would turn into an affair riddled with curse words, and dappled with sweat from my furrowed brow…

  10. Dacia says:

    oooooooh i love this!!

  11. […] I crocheted over a stone a while back I’ve been working on little crochet projects here and there.  It’s nice […]