Happy Homemade sew-along

May 28th, 2014

happy homemade sew-along: June 16-20, 2014

I’ve been saying I was going to do it forever and finally it’s here–a Happy Homemade vol. 2 sew-along! I’m super excited to partner with Cherie from You & Mie to bring you this sew-along. Happy Homemade vol.2 has long been my favorite pattern book. Recently it’s been translated into English and renamed Sew Chic Kids. If you’ve ever wanted to sew with Japanese patterns, but were too nervous to start this is the sew-along for you. You can jump in the deep end with the Japanese version of the book (and we’ll help you the whole way) or you can just get your toes wet using the English version. Either way, it’s going to be great!

happy homemade sew-along: June 16-20

Cherie and I picked the pull-over parka pattern for the sew-along and it’s one of my favorite favorites. We will go through the pattern step by step, sewing along with you the whole time. This is a super fantastic hoodie pattern. It’s good for girls or boys, summer or winter, woven or knit, so many options! And we’ll give you even more options in the weeks leading up to the sew-along: changes you can make to the pattern, things to add, cool fabrics to use.

happy homemade hoodie sew-along: June 17-

I’ve made this pattern a bunch of times, and I’m excited to make it again! Won’t you join us? The sew-along goes from June 16-20. In the weeks leading up to the actual sew along Cherie and I will post about where you can get the book, what fabrics work best, and changes you might want to make. Then you will be good and ready to sew-along with us–from tracing the pattern all the way to the last stitch.

happy homemade sew-along: June 16-20, 2014

When you finish sewing, you can add your hoodie to our newly created flickr group: the Happy Homemade Sew-along. Your photos in the flickr group will automatically enter you to win some fabulous prizes. We are kicking off this sew-along with some prizes too! Tuttle publishing has generously offered to giveaway a copy of Sew Chic Kids to 3 lucky people!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So are you in? Yes, yes you are! Copy and paste a button on your sidebar to let everyone know. And like Cherie said: Bookmark it. Pin it. Don’t forget it!

happy homemade sew-along: June 16-20, 2014 happy homemade sew-along: June 16-20, 2014

Posted in sewing clothes.

93 Responses to Happy Homemade sew-along

  1. Elizabeth says:

    I would love to sew a hoodie for both of my girls (5 yrs and 23 months)! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  2. Jenn says:

    I am so excited – I’ve borrowed this book from the library (I LOVE it!!) and made a few pieces for my daughter, but will (finally!) make something for my 5 year old son – the pullover is right up his alley, but I had to return the book before I could muster up the energy to follow through…

  3. T Bosch says:

    For my 2 year old little boy!

  4. Marissa says:

    I want to make one for my niece, she’s got the cutest curly red hair and I have some forest green fabric just waiting to be used in something this cute.

  5. Shirley Cree says:

    … 5 grandkiddies…..hopefully one will like the fabric….. the hoodie is sooo cute…..

  6. Ruth says:

    I love this book too although it is sometimes hard to follow the directions. Can’t wait for the sewalong!

  7. Kelli says:

    such cute clothes. I need to make shorts for my boys and a dress for my daughter!

  8. […] you guys excited for the Happy Homemade sew-along?! Do you have the book? If not, Cherie has a great post about where to get it. If you do (or if […]

  9. Shannon says:

    I’m in! I got this book for christmas and haven’t tried anything yet. What a motivator! Thanks for running this.

  10. […] Happy Homemade Hoodie sew-along is next week! You got the book, but now you need the fabric! What are you going to make you hoodie out […]

  11. […] week is the Happy Homemade Sew-along! You bought the book, you picked out the fabric, laid out all your other supplies neatly, and now […]

  12. […] wouldn’t you know, You & Mie and Elsie Marley are hosting a Happy Homemade Sew Along this week — so I knew it was […]

  13. […] of the patterns, but I felt intimidated when I flipped through the (very minimal) instructions. The sewalong was this past week—did you participate?—and for the pullover parka, an especially cute top that […]

  14. […] sewing series with Japanese Sewing Books themed, like the one hosted by Cherie (You and Mie) and Sew-Alongs hosted by Cherie(again :)) and Meg (Elsie Marley). I thought what I could do now? And this is (one […]