kcwc: day one

September 20th, 2010

The kids clothes week challenge is here! Gather up your supplies and your ambious list of things to sew and carve out an hour to work on it today. Then hop over to the flickr group and show us what you’re making. Be sure to check back here because as a special treat I have lined up a giveaway for everyday this week! Lots of them have to do with sewing children’s clothes, but some are just cute and I wish I could win, but I’ll let you have all the fun.

I have to confess did my sewing last week so I could have some things done to show you this week. There are some smarty pants out there who did all their cutting out ahead of time, so the flickr group is already starting to fill up with cute handmade clothes. This little number is the dress version of the Tee for Two pattern from Patterns by Figgy. It’s an amazing pattern for a simple raglan sleeve shirt in knit fabric, done on a plain old sewing machine, with all the seams on the outside and the hems left stylishly (and effortlessly) raw.

This means the shirt will be comfortable, itch free and definitely worn. It also means that you have to sew with WRONG sides together, which is very clearly stated in the directions, but it turns out there is some automatic mechanism in my brain that will not let me sew with wrong sides facing because I had to unpick the same seam three times before I got it right. It’s not like I was tired and not paying attention either: I had coffee in my system, it was mid-morning, quiet even, but my brain kept flipping the fabric behind my back.

If you think you can sew the seams on the outside without your brain short circuting, then you should leave a comment to win this very pattern. That’s right Shelley from Patterns by Figgy has generously donated the Tee for Two pattern for the first giveaway.  The shirt can be long sleeved or short sleeved, or even a dress with a little gathering at the front and flutter sleeves–super customizable and for boys and girls sizes 12mo.-6/7. So leave a comment with some ridicuous sewing desaster you’ve had, or your grand plans for the week, or the weather report, or just say hi. I will use the random number picker thing tomorrow and post an update on this post with the winner.



The winner is #62, Rebecca from The Prepared Family. Congratulations Rebecca!

I used random.org and if I knew how to show you the little picture of the number picker I would, but I promise it said 62.


173 Responses to kcwc: day one

  1. Mama Urchin says:

    I’m going to start with a jacket that I pinned the pattern pieces to the fabric during the spring challenge and then it sat all summer long. Our mornings have turned cool though so we’ll be needing it soon.

  2. jill says:

    love this pattern and would love to get it- it’s so awsome to have patterns that work for girls and boys, since I have 1 of each! Yesterday I cut out a hoodie for my daughter so I hope to get it made up.


  3. Syl says:

    I love this pattern! It’s on my list to buy, but it would be super fun to win it, instead!

  4. Eilis says:

    If I get my exercise done at lunch, I should be able to sew for an hour tonight. Love the dress you made!

  5. Diana Hood says:

    I’ve been hearing about this pattern over and over again1 i’m just a beginner so getting patterns is a big help for me. I have a bunch of kint fabric, which I tried to sew with for my very first sewing project. It ended up huge and stretchy. I wore it because I had just had a baby and needed something that would fit for a wedding, but throughout the day the straps stretched out because of the weight of the dress and i ended up pulling it up all night long!

  6. julie says:

    I’ve been admiring that pattern for a while now. Thanks for hosting the kids clothes week challenge. For now, I’m watching because all of my stuff is in storage because I’m between houses but I’ll be sure to take part in the next one. Please, please, please do another one.

  7. tracy says:


    i’d love to get my hands on this pattern! i have never sewn with knits and love the many options!

    as for sewing, i plan on starting pj bottoms for all of the little cousins in our family — 13 of them for christmas!

    good luck and have fun all!

  8. mon ami says:

    As much as I love Oliver + S patterns it is so great to learn about more kids clothes pattern designers. Thanks for sharing.

    My most recent sewing disaster: I was making a shirt for my daughter and decided to add pockets which I made from an online tutorial. Problem was they were pockets for adult hands and I didn’t realize this until they were both finished and I pinned them on her shirt! Needless to say they engulfed the shirt and looked ridiculous. Cue stitch ripper.

  9. Angela says:

    Sewing disasters? Well, so far the disaster is the sewing room because there seems to be no time for sewing between garden parties and sick kids. Would love a pattern to add to the list though! :)

  10. Wendy says:

    Looks like a great pattern. Love the raglan sleeves.

  11. Julie says:

    I’ve never actually sewn a shirt before, so I’d love to start off right with a pattern! Although I also have trouble with my brain switching things around on me!!

  12. Antoinette says:

    I try super-duper hard to focus on the saves, not the misses, so it’s hard to think of a disaster worth sharing. This week I’m working on a wool coat for my son. I’m so wishy-washy about the lining — can’t find anything suitably fun and lining-ish! Might have to go boring just to get the coat done…

  13. Alisa says:

    I like the dress and I’d love to win that pattern. I’ve been looking at that one!

  14. Kristin says:

    I so want to do this, but we’re starting homeschool this week. Would I be crazy!? :)

  15. Cricket says:

    I’d love to try this pattern. And as for sewing right sides together, I completely understand. I was trying french seams for the first time and even though all I was trying to do was sew two rectangles right sides together, I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. It’s second nature to put wrong sides together.

    I didn’t realize KCWC was coming up so fast. Good thing I have at least two items all cut out and ready to sew (for like… the past 3 months).

  16. Kim says:

    I love the dress you made. I’ve been obsessed with sewing knits lately. I used to be afraid to sew knits, but now it seems so easy and fun! I just love the raglan style too.. so adorable and classic. I made my daughter a gnome print raglan Tee a few weeks ago.

    Thanks for hosting the sew along!!

  17. Emily says:

    I think I spent more time ripping seams during my last project than actual sewing! Happens to us all. :)

    I’ve been coveting that tee for two pattern! Love it!

  18. Casey Nyssen says:

    HI! I really wanna win

  19. Lisa says:

    Saw this on madebyrae also and really wanted to try it out. Knits with raglan sleeves are my favorite and I love the raw edges on this one!

  20. Michelle P says:

    Seriously hoping to make something this week-I have piles of fabric taking over my life.

  21. Emily says:

    I love your dress. It is just perfect for the project I want to start next. A warmer dress for now that the weather is starting to cool off.

  22. Harriet says:

    Sounds like fun! this week i plan to sew pajamas and a shirt we will see.

  23. Este says:

    What a great start with this pattern! It looks awesome. I kind of started my prep/sewing yesterday (it was fun getting out all my ‘to do’ projects for the kiddos, and actually cut out a top last night… we’ll see how it goes. This sew along is such a great motivator and I’ve loved all your ideas on the blog.

  24. very nice–I’d love to try this pattern!

  25. Megan H says:

    I’ve been eye-ing that pattern for a while! My biggest sewing disaster was when I actually sewed my finger to the sewing machine. I was 16 and the needle went in and there was blood everywhere. Luckily, I have recovered physically and mentally and I love sewing, especially for my daughter!