kcwc: day three

September 22nd, 2010

Sorry, little behind schedule today because I went out with my wonderful husband to celebrate our anniversary last night, but I’m up an caffeinated now, and the winners of the big butt baby pants and the toddler back pack patterns have been announced!

Sometimes you don’t need anything fancy you just need a plain old pair of pants. These are made with some nice, heavy wide wale corduroy and I used the same pattern as these shorts I made, only longer. Of course they are too long and too big all over really, but the boy grows like a weed, so they might fit at the end of the winter. Still, he loves them (hence all the wrinkles) and now says gray is his favorite color–wonder who he got that from?

For today’s giveaway Liesl from Oliver + S has kindly offered their new Music Box Jumper pattern! I think everyone who sews children’s clothes is crazy for Oliver + S patterns. And how could you not be? They are beautifully designed, well written, and come with their own paper doll!  The purl bee recently showed off a version of the Music Box Jumper in corduroy (liberty corduroy!) and it couldn’t be more perfect.

To enter the giveaway today, I’d love it if you tell us something about an Oliver + S project you’ve worked on or a story you have about working with patterns or even what has caught your eye in the flickr group so far. Good Luck!


The winner IS

#42: UK lass in US



211 Responses to kcwc: day three

  1. Ellie says:

    I’ve only tackled a few patterns, but none for kids…so I would love to try one. This jumper would be perfect for my little girl.

  2. DebbieKL says:

    Awesome! I haven’t gotten the chance to try and O&S pattern, and would love to check one out! I love the pillowcase dress by da-atis!

  3. deb says:

    I’ve never had an Oliver + S pattern, would love one!

  4. erica says:

    I have never used an Oliver + S pattern but I think their stuff is really cute. I especially like their dresses.

  5. Amanda says:

    I’ve never made one… Yet. I’m looking for a well written pattern for me to start off with.

  6. Anna says:

    Ha! I just posted my 1st kcwc success and was mentioning how I was intending to start on the Oliver + S syllabus. I still have every intention to to do so but have gotten slightly distracted for the moment.

  7. Erica says:

    I adore Oliver and S patterns! I think they are the most well-written patterns that you can buy. I have made many bedtime story PJ’s for my kids. I have also made several pairs of Puppet Show shorts, a Puppet Show dress, and a Popover dress. I also own the Birthday Party dress pattern, but I have not made it yet. I would love to win this pattern because I want to make it for my daughters and in order to do that I am going to have to purchase both sizes.

  8. Rachel says:

    i sewed my daughter the ruffled halter http://www.flickr.com/photos/19337958@N02/4624116333/ during the kids clothes ‘week’ in May (i think i made my sewing week 15 days instead of 7) it’s a super cute pattern, love the details & would for sure sew another one

  9. Debbie says:

    I’m really new to sewing, so I’ve not used one of their patterns before…but I would love to start! I have a three month old baby girl to sew for…
    I wandered over to the flickr group through the link you provided.and someone had an adorable green dress with white flowers and bees on it…it was reversible to a brown fabric with white polka dots…So cute!

  10. jenn says:

    the very first pattern i ever used was for a sundress i made myself in high school. Woudlnt’ ahve been able to do it without my mom’s help, thats for sure! i’ve gotten a little better since then though :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. Lynn says:

    I’ve never sewn an Oliver & S but I’d love to! My grand-daughter would look so sweet in this dress!

  12. Melissa Ann says:

    I just finished 2 Oliver and S Jump Rope Dresses from the Sew Mama Sew Sew A Long. I can’t say that I’ve ever enjoyed reading such through instructions. I felt like this pattern moved me from the intermediate sewer category to the advanced and I didn’t even get frustrated once. Here instructions are amazing!

  13. Anne says:

    I’ve never used them but would love to try one out. I like that they have nice boys’ patterns too.

  14. mel says:

    I’m starting grad school in January and have made a goal to have my daughter in a handmade outfit everyday through fall and winter since my sewing will all but cease after school starts. My patterns? O+S!!! I love them all and am totally addicted. I haven’t gotten the Music Box yet though, so would love to win! Thanks so much for the chance!

  15. Lauren says:

    I’ve adored the Oliver + S patterns, and my first experience was using the free “Lazy Days Skirt” pattern. I stayed up *late* the night before St. Paddy’s Day sewing two Leprechaun print skirts my girls were desperate to wear to school the next day. Thank goodness the pattern was a breeze! I would LOVE to have the music box jumper pattern — it’s my favorite from the new line. Thank you!

  16. Jessica M. says:

    I LOVE Oliver + S patterns. My favorite thing about sewing them, is the online support you get from Liesl if you have any questions about the patterns!

    Plus my daughter always looks so cute in them!

  17. Becky says:

    I’ve never sewn an Oliver & Co pattern. My daughter is 8, almost 9 and big for her age, so until recently, there wasn’t an Oliver & Co pattern sized for her. And I’m not comfortable sewing for her without a pattern. I’ve winged a few things for myself and actually had one of them turn out. Today I’m going to attempt making a pattern for her from some pj bottoms she already has. She loves to sleep in Daddy’s Tshirts, but she gets chilly and wants pants. So today’s project is attempting that. Wish me luck.

  18. Erin says:

    I own quite a few patterns of O & S, but only actually sewn the Lazy Days pattern offered free on their site. I have my eye on the Hopscotch pattern though. I’d love to give this one a go too. Thanks!

  19. ChelseaB says:

    Never used one of their patterns, but I’m dying to try! I love the vintage look! I think a jumper like that on my two year old “goldilocks” would be adorable in a bright cheery color with patterned tights. Oh so cute! Thanks for the give-a-way!

  20. Angela says:

    I have yet to sew an Oliver + S pattern, but I have been drooling over them since I found them on somebody’s blog. As for the flickr group – Wow!! so much fun! I’m in love love love with the ruffle skirt from craft with confidence. Oh I love it!

  21. Mandy says:

    Oh I have been eyeing and eyeing and did I say LONGING FOR this pattern since the first preview. Oh if I won it would be wonderful! I am a new sewer so this would be perfect!

  22. Kelly says:

    The only pattern I really ever use is a Simplicity one from 1972!

    I am loving those cords – contemplating a quick trip to buy some corduroy now!

    I’m finding the flickr group awesome for inspiration – especially for boy’s clothes. And I’m loving that I actually have the motivation to sew Mr3’s clothes instead of going out and buying new clothes!

  23. Heather says:

    very cute! The pattern would even fit my 5yr old! I haven’t used their patterns yer. I may have to explore them. I have been busy this week with an Ottobre dress and skirt. I also decided to finished an easy quilt for #3

  24. Kathy says:

    Love your site – thanks for culling all the inspiration.

    I’ve just finished making an Oliver + S Play Date dress for my 4-year old daughter. It’s the third O+S pattern I’ve tried and I love them all.

    I recently did some sewing with my sister – we tried their free ruffle halter. We have daughters that are the same size so we sewed together and it was a revelation. She read the pattern directions and did the pinning and I sewed. We had two darling little halters in no time. I have never had so much fun sewing. It went so fast and we had a blast.

    I would love to do our team sewing thing again with the new music box jumper pattern.

  25. […] yet winter. The first day of fall in fact. Such a glorious sunny and crisp fall day it is too. The kids clothing week challenge is going on over at elsie marley. So I also worked on some sweet sandbox pants for the little one. […]