kids clothes week challenge: fall 2010

September 7th, 2010

After the resounding sucess of last spring’s kids clothes week challenge there was a call to have another when the temperatures cooled off a bit and I am glad to oblige.  The challenge will stay the same:

For one hour each day the week of September 20-26 work on making clothes for kids.

I’m going to soup it up a bit with a giveaway or two and maybe even a tutorial (if my camera is fixed by then). Mostly, though, it should be just like last time with scads of people sewing like crazy for their kids. If you didn’t participate last time or are on the fence this time, imagine what it would be like to have 200 people cheering you on and well, that’s what it felt like in the spring.  Just by working a little each day for one week you could have a beautiful winter coat made or all the christmas pajamas done or finally made something from that cute fabric you have been saving. Doesn’t that sound awesome?

I think most of us focused on sewing (and all the pattern tracing, fabric cutting, pinning, hemming and ironing that go with it) in the spring, but I don’t see why knitting and crocheting can’t count–though they are much slower going, so you can’t really be sure you will have a finished product at the end of the week, but then again, maybe the sewers can’t either! Warmer clothes can be a little more involved, but really pants are just long shorts–and I know you can make shorts. There was a fine showing of fall fashions from the southern hemisphere last time, so no whining that fall clothes take too long.

O.k. enough of me talking, time to sign up! Leave your name in the comments if you want to play along this fall. Feel free to take a button for your blog (you don’t have to have a blog to participate of course) and spread the word.

kcwc buttons:

(copy and paste the code under the buttons)

<a href=””>
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<a href=””>
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<a href=””>
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kids clothes week reference:

inspiration and tutorial posts

frequently asked questions


527 Responses to kids clothes week challenge: fall 2010

  1. Lauren says:

    Looking forward to some positive peer pressure. And a legitimate reason for having purchased so many yards of adorable corduroy…. Thanks!

  2. Ranee says:

    Bring it on! This is just the motivation I need to stop planning and start doing!!

  3. mandy fitch says:

    How fun! I’m in too!

  4. Laura says:

    I’m very excited to participate!

  5. briskmamma says:

    Hi, if it is not too lake, can I participate?
    I would love to be in.
    Is there going to be winter week challenge or another autumn challenge? I will try my best to jump in on time.

  6. maja says:

    I’m in. Yesterday and today I made pj’s for my son out of my husbands old ones. For the rest of the week I think I plan on making something for my daughter and baby-to-be.

  7. Somer says:

    I need a good kick. I’m in.

  8. Michelle says:

    Okay, I resisted long enough. I’m going to try!

  9. Jenny says:

    Nothing like waiting until the last minute! I’m headed to the sewing room as soon as I get kids in bed. I’m excited to see how much I can get done in a week!

  10. Amy says:

    This gives me the perfect excuse to make myself work on a blessing dress for my unborn child. I had a goal to get it done by the end of September, but if I do it one hour a day for a week. Maybe, just maybe I will get it done before the end of this week. Then on to other fun things for her and her siblings:) I’m in.

  11. Michelle says:

    I’m in….I’m going in to have baby #4 on the 28th, so this will be cutting it VERY close, but I’ll give it my best try :)

  12. Lisa says:

    I’m in!!


    Lisa from Crafty Mamas

  13. Tara says:

    I’m a bit late but I would love to take part in KCWC.

  14. Vanessa says:

    I will participate! I am working on some kid’s things right now, and this challenge looks motivating. I may have to Tivo my favorite programs though…

  15. caci says:

    This is just what I need to make my little man some fall and winter clothes! Wish me luck…i need to get started sewing!

  16. Rebecca says:

    I am in- I have one goal- school days rain jacket for my almost 3 year old. We will see what she and the 5 week old let me do. :)

  17. Carolyn says:

    I’m officially signing up! I plan to make “Puuheppa” overalls from Ottobre and finish a pair of O&S sandbox pant. If I get through those I want to try sewing something in a knit. Thanks for hosting this inspiring challenge!

  18. Sounds great, love to join in!

  19. […] Clothing, Clothes, DIY, Fabric, Baby, Gifts, Give Away I just stumbled upon this challenge from Elsie Marley via Homemade By Jill. I’m so excited… I already made kid clothes today, so I’m already […]

  20. Sara says:

    I’m in!! This is just what I need to get cracking on some projects that are starting to seriously stack up! :-)

  21. Ang says:

    Also jumping in a little late – just found out about this today! I’ve got several projects that I’ve been meaning to get to, so this may be just the motivation I need. :-)

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  23. Jessica says:

    I am in! Although I am having a hard time adding the button!