kids clothes week fall 2012

September 18th, 2012

The temperature has dropped and fall is finally on it’s way! It must be time for another edition of KCWC.  Kids Clothes Week Challenge is a bi-annual event here on elsie marley where I challenge you to sew one hour a day, each day for 7 days.  The idea is that we all have the urge to sew clothes for our children, but we don’t always give ourselves the time to do it.  If you commit to sitting in front of your sewing machine, or tracing patterns, or cutting fabric, for one hour each day, then at the end of the week you will have some very well dressed kids. And a very proud mama too!

If you would like to know more about kcwc you can check out the kcwc faq page. You can also head to the elsie marley flickr group to check out creations from kcwc past or see all my posts on kcwc here.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up! How do you sign up?  Just leave a comment on this post telling me that you are in. Then go tell all your friends to sign up too! Spread the word on twitter, instagram, pinterest, tumblr with the #kcwc hashtag. Slap a button on your blog or on your facebook page. Link to this post and try to get all your facebook friends who sew to join too. I bet your mom would like to be invited. Last year I think there we had almost 700 people sign up. Can we make it to 800? 900? Now I’m starting to sound like a politician! Go knock on some doors for kcwc!

kcwc buttons:

(copy and paste the code under the buttons)

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644 Responses to kids clothes week fall 2012

  1. melanie says:

    I am in!

  2. Sara says:

    I’m in! I need to bust my stash AND work on Halloween costumes.

  3. dani says:

    I am in! Have two girls to dress for Christmas cards in two weeks!

  4. Kathryn says:

    I’m in! Can’t wait!

  5. Meegan W says:

    My friend Buffy passed this along, so I’m in this year! I don’t usually sew clothes, even though I have patterns and fabric to do so. Now to dig them out and get to sewing!

  6. rachelmp says:

    I’m in too! I can’t wait to make some time to sew for the kids

  7. Ellie says:

    I need this more than ever. I have never participated, but always follow. This year, I’m IN!

  8. Stacey says:

    I’ve already cut out my fabric and have 7 projects waiting to be finished next week!

  9. Bernadette says:

    I have watched for sooo long but this time I’m in!

  10. Alisa says:

    I’m in! Though I’ll be starting a couple of days late due to Canadian Thanksgiving. I think this happened last fall too. I’ll probably start cutting this week.

  11. rachel says:

    I cannot wait!

  12. Alison says:

    I am keen to join in the kcwc. It is heading into spring/summer in our neck of the woods and the kids need new summer clothes. I will be on holiday for some of the week but will still try and get some time in each day.

  13. Amanda says:

    I’m in!!

  14. Jessica Denny says:

    I’m doing it! It’s my first year! HOORAY!!!!!!!

  15. Lisa says:

    I’m in!

  16. Elisabeth says:

    I’ve been saying I’m going to make clothes for my daughter for I don’t know how long, now! This is just the kick in the pants I need.

  17. […] It’s almost that time again! My second time to participate in the KCWC. I am so excited about this week. I love seeing the Flickr group explode with projects and get inspired by all the cool stuff everyone makes. I feel that I’ve been doing a little prep by working on Project Run and Play entries. Not counting the last two weeks, I have been so busy on selfish and other sewing recently that I haven’t made much kid clothing. Now that I have had two weeks to get back into the swing of kid clothing, I am feeling inspired to make some fun stuff! It helps that next week’s PRP challenge is to make something that reflects your personal style! I don’t have my full to-sew list made, but here a few things I know will be on the list […]

  18. Wendy says:

    I need all the go-getums I can get with two under 20 months!

  19. […] great thing that’s coming up next week is Kids Clothing Week Challenge, hosted by Meg of elsie marley!  Basically, the challenge is to sew children’s clothing for […]

  20. Lindsay says:

    Just what I need… motivation! I’ll try it. I already have some ideas.

  21. Jacinta says:

    Ok I’m in! First time EVER. :)

  22. Laura D says:

    This is just what I need. I have a ton of clothing projects to get through for my nieces and I haven’t managed to start yet! I’ve got pretty much everything planned out, the fabric piled up, but haven’t started any of it!

  23. I’m putting my name in here like I do every time and just pray that this time is the time that I can make it happen and join in! If not you know I’ll keep sending peeps your way xoxox

  24. Nancy says:

    Im going to do my best to sew next week, I have a long to sew list and it would be great to cross some of them off.

  25. I’m hosting my own cardboard costume challenge this month and I’m sooo busy, but I can’t resist, I had so much fun with the last KCWC! Sounds crazy but we’re also going on a short bike trip during KCWC, so I’m bringing all my projects and and just focusing on hand-stitching. We’ll see how it goes!