kids clothes week spring 2011

April 14th, 2011

Spring is here and my kids have no clothes to wear. Well not really, but definitely not enough cute, springtime ones. KCWC to the rescue! If you have no idea what I’m talking about, that is completely understandable. KCWC stands for Kids Clothes Week Challenge. It’s one week (I’m sure you figured that out) where we commit to sew one hour a day for 7 days. Sewing clothes, of course, for our kids!  Or other people’s kids, but not your inner child and absolutely not your canine child.

Sound good? Want to make a big pile of little skirts and dresses and shorts and bow ties? Because a lot can happen in a week if you put in a little time each day. And with hundreds of people sewing along with you and cheering you on, well, you can’t help but make great stuff! So leave a comment on this post to tell me you are in! Then grab a button and post it on your blog (if you’ve got one) to spread the word. You can even head over to the elsiemarley flickr group to check out past KCWC and join so you can post for this one.

If you’d like to know a little more about KCWC, hop on over to the FAQ page. Then hop back here and sign up!


kcwc buttons:

(copy and paste the code under the buttons)

<a href="">
   <img src="">

<a href="">
    <img src="">

452 Responses to kids clothes week spring 2011

  1. Sara says:

    I’m in….but I hope its ok if I make it a fall challange instead of a spring challange, given the whole being in a different hemisphere thing and all…

  2. natacha says:

    I’m in! I need the motivation!

  3. I’ve been trying to decide if I should commit this year and after much deliberation….(drum roll please) I’m IN! Can’t wait to be a part of this!

  4. […] if that isn't enough there is a flickr group full of clothes too! If you are signed up (if not, what are you waiting for?) you should join the elsiemarley flickr group if you haven't […]

  5. Dakota Gal says:

    Perfect timing — next week my husband is done with classes for the semester and he owes me some sewing time sans girlies!

  6. Chris says:

    Woohoo! Count me in!

  7. Jennie says:

    Yay for KCWC!

  8. I’m In! I wouldn’t miss it. Looking forward to seeing all the amazingness everyone creates.

    Thanks for hosting Meg

  9. […] haven’t sewn for my kids in a while, so next week’s kids clothing week challenge is just the kick in the butt I need. I participated last Fall, and it was awesome to end 7 days of […]

  10. Rebecca says:

    I am in! I have a few projects that I have been delaying for some reason- this will be the perfect chance to get them done!

  11. I’m in:)
    All the best
    Tone, Oslo, Norway

  12. Katie says:

    I’m in!! This sounds like a lot of fun and I could use the motivation! Thanks for hosting.

  13. […] – busy for me that is.  There is more I’d like to do and when I read Meg’s post at Elsie Marley about KCWC I found myself signing up!  I sort of felt like I was cheating as I […]

  14. Lili says:

    I’m in!

  15. Tia Webb says:

    Ok……..( she says tentatively) I’m in!!
    I have so much else going on but it’s ’bout time my kiddos had a few new things! Especially monkey1 who is growing like a weed!!
    Thanks for the motivation!!

  16. Emily says:

    I’m in – I’ll do my best! Anyone have a list of projects they’re going to work on?

  17. Katharine says:

    I’ll do it! I need some motivation to finally tackle a couple of “scary” projects. I the craft closet needs some cleaning out :)

  18. Tami says:

    Yea! Just the motivation I needed! I can’t wait!

  19. Tricia says:

    Count me in! Its time my kids get some new stuff instead of my creative wares always going elsewhere. So many ideas and only 7 days to get them out of my head and onto fabric!!

  20. Justine says:

    Count me in! I have an 8 year old going up to size 8 so she’s outgrown the pretty dresses I made her last season and an almost two year old in the 8 year olds hand me downs. I’d love to make them matching outfits from my pattern stash. I am just finishing an elaborate first communion dress for her so I’ll be ready to start something new.nice idea.

  21. I’m in! My daughter needs some new summer dresses and skirts…. and I want to make some leggings for her. I keep putting it off!

  22. Emily says:

    Im going to give it a go – my first sew-along type thing! Im very excited and cant wait to see what lovelies I end up with, that said I must clear out some wardrobe space as I dont think they’ll go in lol! x

  23. I may have commented here already, but I’m here again anyway just in case! Going to try and beat my one pair of trousers from last year this time! My boy needs some summer clothes. x

  24. Cindy says:

    I’m in! I have a ton of spring/summer sewing that needs to be done for the kids and it’s nice to be held accountable.:)

  25. Lynne says:

    I’m in! I’m new to blogging but am looking forward to participating. Thank you Meg for organizing such a great event! I can’t wait to see what everyone creates.