kids clothes week spring 2011

April 14th, 2011

Spring is here and my kids have no clothes to wear. Well not really, but definitely not enough cute, springtime ones. KCWC to the rescue! If you have no idea what I’m talking about, that is completely understandable. KCWC stands for Kids Clothes Week Challenge. It’s one week (I’m sure you figured that out) where we commit to sew one hour a day for 7 days. Sewing clothes, of course, for our kids!  Or other people’s kids, but not your inner child and absolutely not your canine child.

Sound good? Want to make a big pile of little skirts and dresses and shorts and bow ties? Because a lot can happen in a week if you put in a little time each day. And with hundreds of people sewing along with you and cheering you on, well, you can’t help but make great stuff! So leave a comment on this post to tell me you are in! Then grab a button and post it on your blog (if you’ve got one) to spread the word. You can even head over to the elsiemarley flickr group to check out past KCWC and join so you can post for this one.

If you’d like to know a little more about KCWC, hop on over to the FAQ page. Then hop back here and sign up!


kcwc buttons:

(copy and paste the code under the buttons)

<a href="">
   <img src="">

<a href="">
    <img src="">

452 Responses to kids clothes week spring 2011

  1. Danielle says:

    I’m in-sounds like a lot of fun and really productive too!

  2. Susanne says:

    I’m in!

  3. Oh yes, I’m definitely planning to do my best! I created a Summer Tutorial Roundup in case anyone is interested!

  4. Becky M says:

    I’m in! Thanks for the inspiration to finally get to all those patterns I have lying around!

  5. Andrea says:

    I am so in! I can’t wait!!! The twins really need some new spring/summer clothes!

  6. Noel says:

    I’m in! My little girl needs some new duds!

  7. I’m in! This is just the kick I need to get me sewing although I have no fabric so it’s going to be a reconditioned clothes challenge for me :)

  8. Tiffany says:

    I’m so excited! I have two outfits planned. Can I do it? We’ll see!

  9. In! Thanks or the motivation :)

  10. I’m in – need to do this to get some clothes for the kids for winter

  11. […] excited about the Kids Clothing Week Challenge which is starting tomorrow, with a little pile of washed and dried fabric ready to […]

  12. runcibles says:

    I’m in, you have to love a good excuse for some sewing time…

  13. Heather Doak says:

    I’m in! :))

  14. Caroline says:

    I’m in! Perfect timing here in Brisbane, Australia as the weather cools down a bit for the “winter” and long sleeved tops and pants need to be made for my boy. Looking forward to a week of sewing!

  15. Elizabeth says:

    I’m totally in!

  16. Christie says:

    I am in! I started on some PJ’s for my daughters a few months ago and never finished them. I will cut off the sleeves short and sew them up for summertime.

  17. I’m in! I have put off sewing at all for several months and I have a few patterns I’ve been dying to try for my little ones, so now I have an excuse to get in there and start. I’m excited!

  18. Sylvia says:

    I’m in! i’ll make it a 5 day challenge, just to give me a little air to breathe on the days i work! maybe i’ll get more done the other days!!

  19. […] all ready to get going on the KCWC tomorrow.  Maybe that’s cheating a bit to get so prepped in advance but I’m pretty […]

  20. Sonicka says:

    I’m in!

  21. mo says:

    This sounds like fun. I’m in too!

  22. I’d love to participate again this year! Thanks so much for motivating us!

  23. Carolyn says:

    Well this snuck up on me – again. Completely disorganized but willing to put in a little time each day. Thanks!

  24. Judie says:

    I can do an hour a day for 7 days, my two granddaughters really need new summer nightgowns and as long as the cutting, pattern tracing and everything all count that will work for me.

  25. Debbie says:

    I’m in and excited to find this.