Ta da! The advent calendar is done, well pretty much done. It’s a string of chirstmas lights. One of you guessed correctly! But there were some good ideas out there: an advent abacus, a ferris wheel. Next year. There are only twenty lights, but I figure I’ll save some making for next christmas or add them if I have time this month (ha!). There are treats in the bulbs and the lights fit in their little sockets, but they aren’t held in by anything–just the power of felt. This calendar is for lightweight treats only or bits of paper with sugarless activities on them. I went with candy because my kids are still young enough to think it’s the best thing in the universe.
I’d be happy to write up a quick tutorial (with patterns) if there are a lot of you that would like to make one. It’s not difficult at all. The hand sewing is a little time consuming, but it’s nothing a few movies won’t fix. If you sewed the bulbs on it would make a nice Christmas decoration for this year (or next). If you’d like to see more pictures of it you can click here and here. And there are lots more fantastic calendars here and here.
Posted in christmas, holidays, sewing. 41 Comments »

I know advent starts today and the calendar should really be done, but oh well. My kids don’t understand time yet, so one day late isn’t that big of a deal. I dreamed it up one very late night and honestly I don’t even know if it’ll work, but hopefully I’ll be back tomorrow to show you the finished version. Any guesses to what it’ll be? Any fancy advent calendars that you are still working on feverishly?
Posted in misc. 11 Comments »

I have zero thanksgiving decorations, so I came up with this little project. It doesn’t really need any explanation, just push some cloves into some clementines and spell a word. You could get all fancy with fonts and it might be good to sketch the letters on first. I just did it freehand (and I’m sure you can tell). Clementines have a thinner skin than oranges so it makes pushing the cloves in much easier. This is a great project for kids and a good spelling lesson to boot. My daughter is really into letters right now and it went over big. I didn’t dry them so they won’t keep, but they still smell pretty. Now we just have to make some hand turkeys and we’re set!
Posted in holidays, thanksgiving, tutorials. 12 Comments »

It’s Handmade Holidays all month long at Sew Mama Sew (if you didn’t know already). They, so kindly, asked me to be on their board and come up with a few ideas for their amazing blog. After crossing out many bad ideas, I came up with these little plush ornaments. They are simple to make and you can find all the tutorials here: woodland ornament tutorials. If you make one, be sure to show it off on the Handmade Holidays flickr pool! Only 33 days until Christmas.
Posted in christmas, holidays, tutorials. 6 Comments »

I started this digger almost a year ago (it’s nice to have a record of the things you make, but it’s not so nice to see just how long you can procrastinate) and it should be in the shop later today. It’s funny how my tastes have changed in a year. I wanted to rip up all the patchwork and start again, but then it would have sat around another year I’m sure. A lot of the scraps came from my first big sewing project (and my first big post). I think it’s time I cleaned out my scrap box and made a quilt. Or an army of patchwork diggers.
*My site was a little messed up this past week–if you couldn’t leave a comment or find a post I’m sorry. My genius of a husband fixed it all, so comment away.
Posted in plush. 13 Comments »