felt masks

September 26th, 2011

handmade owl, elephant, and cat masks

A little friend of ours turned 3 last week. I had the damnest time coming up with something to make for him. He’s got a super crafty mama, so that lucky boy is kitted out with capes and bags and awesome appliqued shirts. And all the other things you would make for little boys.

handmade felt cat mask

I figured the dress up box could always use a few more things, so I sewed up these felt masks. I started with a mask template I made from a paper plate and then went crazy with a bag of felt scraps.  There was a lot of white, gray, and orange felt in the bag, so out came a cat, an elephant, and an owl.

handmade felt elephant mask

I had the best time making the elephant. His ears are extra wonky and homemade, but I’m so in love with his pompom headpiece I don’t care. It was sort of a last minute addition too. If I had thought of it earlier I would have dressed him up more!

handmade felt owl mask

Mostly I made up the patterns as I went along except I did steal the owl mask idea from Martha (she’s got so many ideas, she won’t notice). These were so fun to make and halloween is coming up so fast, I might have to make some more.  I might even go crazy and write up a tutorial. But which one? Or should I make something else?


october sponsorship and spin art

September 21st, 2011

I’m now accepting sponsors for October! Kids Clothes Week Challenge is the second week in October and there are already over 150 people signed up. It looks like there are lots of new people this time around too–yay! I’ve got some super good stuff lined up for the week before KCWC. And there is even some good stuff after it’s over too! October is going to rock your world.

spin art

KCWC has been such a big hit in the past that traffic on the blog doubles for the month. That means over 100,000 pages views! Just like in the spring, 125×125 sponsor spots for October are 40 dollars.  I’m also offering a larger 300×300 spot for $150–in case you want to go big. I really try to keep the prices reasonable so that bloggers and indie shops can easily afford it–and I hope you can.

Sponsorship introduces elsie marley’s 4500 subscribers to your shop or blog. And it gives me the resources to create tutorials and patterns and all of the good stuff you love about elsie marley. If you are interested please email me at



If you don’t have a blog or shop, but would still like to support this lovely blog, you could subscribe to elsie marley and have posts sent directly to your email or an RSS reader (there is a subscribe button on the sidebar at the right).  The more subscribers I get, the more support I get, the more projects you get! And I get to know you are out there, which makes me happy as can be.

salad spinner art

If you made it this far and are still wondering what the pictures are all about.  It’s salad spinner art!  We did a few weeks ago and it’s easy as can be: jam a paper plate in an old salad spinner, blop lots of paint on it, and spin like crazy. Even the two year old got in on the action! I admit I was waiting for my turn too. This is a fairly contained project and you probably could get away with doing it inside, but better to go outside while the weather is nice. I’m sure you know where all your almost empty bottles of paint are–this is a project for them–but I bet you are thinking, “where the hell did I put that salad spinner?…”

toy box on wheels

September 20th, 2011

toy box on wheels

Remember these crates I found in the garbage?  I cleaned them up and we slapped some wheels on the good ones this past weekend. Et volia! Toy boxes with wheels. Not my idea and not even the first time I’ve done it, but it is still awesome. Blocks are heavy and a pain to drag out, but no longer! All thanks to the almighty wheel.

blocks in boxes



christmas tins

September 16th, 2011

christmas tins

Some loot from the thrifty store–pretty tins to fill with christmas cookies. Feeling a little old because I’m planning for christmas in september, but maybe that’s just wise rather than lame. I can’t tell.

pretty tin

I’m going to have a hard time letting this one go. I hope you find tons of beautiful things you don’t need at the thrift store this weekend!

p.s. KCWC fall 2011 is filling up fast: 100 people and counting! yay!

kcwc fall 2011!

September 13th, 2011

kcwc button for fall 2011

It’s time again for another edition of KCWC: kids clothes week challenge.  KCWC is a twice-annual event where I challenge you to commit to sew children’s clothes for an hour each day for 7 days. Fall is coming (at least in these parts) and my kids could use some cozy pants and sweaters–and pretty soon we’ll need hats and mittens too! All that sewing is a little overwhelming, but I am always amazed at how much I get done by putting in a bit of time every day.

kcwc button for fall 2011 (spin)

If you have more questions about how KCWC works, you can jump over to the FAQ page. Then jump back here and leave a comment on this post telling me you are in! That’s all it takes. Then on the second week of October there will be hundreds (really, hundreds) of people cheering you on to make awesome clothes for your kids.

kcwc button for fall 2011 (blue)

In the mean time, feel free to browse around the elsiemarley flickr group for inspiration–join the group so you can post pictures for this one–and look at my posts from older KCWCs! If you have a blog, you can copy and paste the button below (fancy, html code to come when tech support/husband returns).  So leave a comment and sign up! spread the word! sew like crazy!


kcwc fall 2011 buttons:




