tiered skirt

I forget it’s not always making the clothes that’s hard, because sometimes the sewing goes swimmingly, but it’s the taking a picture that is the trying part. Oh if you could see my daughter’s crabby face in this picture, well actually better you can’t.  How are my children going to turn out, growing up thinking it’s normal to take pictures of pants (and feet, and cupcakes, and anything else random and bloggy)?

stripey skirt

Anyway, the skirt. I wanted to do it in a dark shirting fabric (sort of like my dress), but the fabric store was cleaned out when I went. So I used this cotton seersuckery stripe. The pattern is from another Japanese pattern book I love, Everyday Bottoms.

secret shorts

I added the secret shorts. Figuring out which sides should face each other when I was sewing the two together made my brain break out into a sweat, but it worked out in the end. After I was done I remembered Ellen has a quick little tutorial on a skirt with built in shorts (a skort?). So no brain sweat for you. Turns out the skirt is actually a little long to require shorts underneath, but hey, now I know how to do it. And it’s not hard!

kcwc day three montage

1.leah tunic 2. strong-man 3. elephant pants 4. top and trousers

Look at the amazing stuff that you are making! Check out the flickr group for even more good stuff. I have to admit the laundry is starting to take over the house, but I have plans for more pants and short and I traced a button up shirt pattern, which I think might be going a little too far. How about you? Are you still going strong ?

kcwc spring 2011: day two

May 10th, 2011

rockin the fancy pants

The lovely ladies from my craft night came over last night for some beers and a little sewing (the two go together right?). If it hadn’t been for them I would have given up after the first hour of trying to rethread my serger. Seriously. Who designed that damn thing? But they saved the day! And I was able to turn a stained tablecloth into some rockin pants.

plaid pants side view

I used the same pattern that I did for these pants and these shorts. Except I skipped the back pockets and added cuffs. You are going to see a lot of this pattern this week, because my son likes it and my daughter too. It’s from Happy Homemade Vol. 2, which I can’t recommend enough (if you are down with making patterns written in Japanese). I’ve made a ton of clothes out of it and they’ve all turned out well and been worn a lot.

day two of kcwc from the flickr group

1. lace dress refashion 2. 008 3. 006 4. …went sailing by ‘wrap’ top

And look at what you guys have made! Adorbs. Obviously I’m partial to my knot shorts pattern, but you have to admit they are pretty darn cute in gingham. There is so much good stuff in the flickr group already and day two isn’t even over yet! You guys rock.

Yee! Haw! Today is the first day of the Kids Clothes Week Challenge! Last year, I had my own little kcwc a week early so I could have a finished garment to show you each day, but I’m playing it fast and loose with the rest of you this time around. The only thing I’ve done is pick out the fabric I want to use for each kid. Sorry for the crummy photos, I snapped them quickly before I headed out to the fabric store to stock up on elastic. Then what do you know? There was a bunch of awesome fabric there, which is in the dryer as we speak. So my hour today might be all ironing. How about you, did you get all the pattern tracing and fabric cutting out of the way before today or are you going in cold like me? Anyway you do it is fine as long as you find that hour to do it!

We are 400+ strong this spring! So the flickr group is already blowing up. And I’ve got tutorials and inspiration over on my pinterest page if you get stuck. Ready? Set. Go!

Yasuko is a children’s wear designer out of Hong Kong. She makes lovely patterns for girls and boys (sometimes those poor boys get forgotten) and sells them from her etsy shop, Dans La Lune. This is my last interview for the week. KCWC starts on Monday! I hope you learned about some new designers and maybe even got some patterns for next week. Do you have a list yet? Be bold and tell everyone what it is (on flickr or your blog). And I’ll see you here on Monday!

dans la lune

1. When did you start sewing kid’s clothes?
About 10 years ago I got interested in making bags out of Kimono fabrics. Then after my first child was born, I started to sew more baby clothes. I was in London at the time and I could not find anything original for boys that didn’t cost a fortune. That’s why I tried to make them by myself.

2. How did you get into designing patterns?
It’s quite simple: I just thought if I can make my own design of kids clothes, it would be twice the fun. Also I enjoy so much the combination of many kinds of fabric. That’s what I really like.

dans la lune PDF e Pattern - Bermuda Shorts Pants

3. Do you have a specific kind of child in mind when you are working on your designs?
There are lots of cute clothes for girls, but maybe not so much for boys. So I want to try and focus on unisex designs. But I also really enjoy making cute dresses for girls whenever I find a beautiful fabric.

4. How do you think children should dress?
Surely I believe children should wear comfort clothes because they are very active, they need to jump and run around all day long! Then on top of it if we can make the clothes out of our own taste’s fabric, we can enjoy much more putting them to our children.

dans la lune

5. Do you think what you wear influences how you dress your kids or design your patterns?
No hesitation: Yes. For example when I wear my favorite dresses, I imagine if I could have a same dress for a little one.  Then I try to find a really original fabric for children as they can wear anything so well!

6. Do you also sew clothes for yourself?
I used to do it before but not recently.

dans la lune monkey pants

7. What children’s clothes designers do you admire?
I like Agnes b. because her design is very simple yet original. I also love Anna Sui. I saw some girls dresses the other day again, they are so pretty. I am just a big fan of her colour choices.

Thank you Yasuko! Check out her etsy shop for all the patterns show here and more!

I learned of Heidi and Finn patterns during last fall’s KCWC.  So many people sewed up her Urban Hoodie for their kids, that I had to go check it out. And it is fantastic. Heidi and Finn patterns are simple and comfy and, as you can see by the bubble dress below, stunning. Christine is the woman behind this wildly popular etsy shop. And I am happy to introduce you to her…

1. How did you get into designing patterns?

Probably a very similar story to others on etsy….When I had my daughter, Heidi, three years ago I had a hard time finding clothes that I wanted to put her in (and could afford!). So, I decided to get a sewing machine and try making my own. I have always loved designing and making things and was up for the challenge. Although I am not trained in fashion design (I studied architecture in school), i knew what I liked and figured I would give it a go. Knowing nothing about sewing, my mother showed me the basics, handed me a store bought pattern and some fabric and wished me luck. It went horribly! I found it really hard to follow “big name” patterns when I knew so little about sewing. I started to go online to find tutorials and videos and to teach myself. Soon, I got better, and began making outfits for my daughter. After lots of positive comments,  and a lot of asking, I started to make patterns for my designs.

2. Do you have a specific kind of child in mind when you are working on your designs?

No specific child, but a specific parent, I guess. Let’s face it, it’s the parents that dress the child most of the time, so if they don’t like it, it most likely won’t end up on their kids. I think I appeal to most parents that want  simple and comfortable clothes for their kids. Trendy, but not following any fads that you end up hating a year later.

3. How do you think children should dress?

I truly believe, that a happy child is a comfortable child (and a happy child is a happy parent!). So if your kid is going to be tugging at their clothes all day, no matter how great it looks, it doesn’t work. I also really really really can’t stand crazy patterns on kids. You know the ones….the ones that look like it should be a curtain or a couch or a tablecloth.  I don’t know many people that would wear a shirt with zoo animals or vegetables on it, so why put that on your child? :) I guess, I would like my daughter to look back at pictures of herself and not ask “mom, WHY would you dress me in THAT?!!!”, and see the cute kid and not the clothes.

4. Do you think what you wear influences how you dress your kids or design your patterns?

For sure! i always wear solid colors, lots of black, gray and muted colors. And almost all my designs are inspired by clothes i already own, or have seen for myself. I also try to dress in natural, soft materials  like cottons, linens, sweater knits, and wools. I mainly use these in my designs.

5. Do you also sew clothes for yourself?

I wish I had time! i don’t, but I hope to start. My daughter is much better dressed then me half the time! :)

6. What children’s clothes designers do you admire?

I don’t have any specific designers work that I follow, but I get very inspired when I just search the web. My favorite children’s wear sites that I love to check out are Imoga New York and Sudo clothing – both are so creative and beautiful lines.


Christine has generously offered all Elsie Marley readers a buy one/get one deal for her pattern shop! Purchase any single pattern in the shop and let Christine know which free pattern you would like, along with the coupon code EMBOGO in the note to seller section (package deals and comfy yoga suit excluded).

Christine has another shop called Heidi and Finn Studio (the dress pictured above is from HF Studio) where she sells ready to wear children’s clothes. For Elsie Marley readers she will ship any items from the studio shop for free with the code EMSTUDIO (only good for Canada and the US). Both offers will be valid until May 12. Amazing!! Thank you so much Christine!