
September 26th, 2007

ruffle pillow, originally uploaded by elsiemarley.

I made this a little while back from Amy Butler’s book “In Stitches.” I bought the book mostly because this pattern caught my eye. I’ve been making the same stupid ass pillow in different sizes since I learned to sew and it was getting pretty tired. This one is completely different: round, a little bizarre and out of left field, but still kind of girly and cute. My good friend laughed out loud when she saw it on my couch for the first time. It was a hell of a lot harder than I thought it would be. Turns out I have no idea how to sew on ruffles–is there a secret? I’m not in on it that’s for sure. I wrestled with my sewing machine and made it work, but it wasn’t pretty. Thankfully the ruffles and the blinding yellow stripes distract you from the actual construction of the thing. A word of warning if you ever make this little pillow: it will eat your fabric. All 3 1/2 yards of it. For one pillow. One pillow. Better get that shit on sale. That said, though, I think it would be nice done in patchwork. But then again, that’s 3 1/2 yards of scraps you have to piece together. And I’m not ready to wrestle.

a quilt

September 24th, 2007

Actually, it’s quite difficult to find pictures of the things I have made, as most of them were gifts. And, to be honest, probably finished moments before they were given, so there was no time to take a picture. But last year I made a quilt (again as a gift) and I could not stop taking pictures of it. Denyse Schmidt’s book had recently come out and it seemed everyone in the craft world was making a quilt. I have been reading craft blogs for a long time now, and though the pictures and stories are beautiful and inspiring, they tend to make things look easy (not that I blame them. It’s embarassing to write about the full blown argument you had with your sewing machine or admidt to breaking down and sobbing when you discover you have to rip out yet another seam–because, dammit, this is supposed to be relaxing. Or am I the only one who does these things?). Making a quilt is not easy. And making a full size quilt in a month will drive you mad. I picked the pattern that seemed the most straight forward–it was tied, not quilted and all the seams were straight. I was so new to sewing and there was much crying and swearing and walking to the repair shop with an 8 month old on my back and my sewing machine under my arm, but I finished and on time to boot. The experience was incrediblly rewarding: I learned about my machine, about how I work, and how to make a quilt.

about me

September 20th, 2007

I am a mother of two and wife to one. Before I had children I was a chocolatier and a baker. Cooking and baking was the way I was creative in my day to day life, but with two little ones that doesn’t work for me any more. I have recently learned to sew and that has filled the creative void. This wonderful and supportive craft blog community has helped me learn to make and inspired me to keep making. If you have a question or comment, or would like to strike up a conversation please email me at

elsiemarleyblog AT gmail DOT com

And my name is Meg, not Elsie. The name of my blog comes from a nursery rhyme about a bar maid:

Elsie Marley’s grown so fine,

She won’t get up to feed the swine,

But lies in bed ’til eight or nine!

Lazy Elsie Marley.

the start

September 12th, 2007

hello out there. I’m just getting started with this little craft blog of mine. I thought I might share pictures of past projects while I figure out how to pretty the place up. First, of course, I have to find out how to put up a picture…

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