I did get to the thrift store while I was away and I couldn’t believe how jam packed with stuff it was. Turns out my town is full of thrift store scavengers (competition) so the pickins is usually slim. I think this piano was actually there last time I visited my family (umm, thanksgiving?) but I passed it by. But really can you pass on a vintage, wooden toy piano for $20 two times? It sound very much like a toy piano–pling, plong–but I kind of like it.
I was thinking I should get a little more organized when it comes to my sewing. I’ve got so many projects that I would like to start and so many that really need to be done and I want to do all of it at once, so I end up staring at fabric or making piles or cleaning up and then it’s time for bed and nothing has been made. So inspired by some lovely ladies, I thought I’d try to have a goal each week: making a garment each night of the week (like amanda) or just posing a creative challenge (like fede). I’d like to do this all summer, but really I think I’ll just start with the next month and see how it goes. I think it will make me focus a bit better. This week is just about organzing and getting ready, but I’ll be back next week to post the theme or goal or whatever. If you’d like to join me with your own weekly goals, please do, we’ll get even more done that way I’m sure.
Posted in thrift. 18 Comments »
I had grand plans for this week. I’m staying with my family and I thought with so many hands around, my hands wouldn’t always be full of children. But my kids went and got pink eye and ear infections, so I’ve been tending to their sickness and trying to quiet the whining all day. Then collapsing on the couch with flickr for most of the evening. Which isn’t such a bad thing, really. After sewing one dress for me and one for my daughter, garment making is pretty much all I can think about. So I thought I’d share all these amazing clothes I found with you. And maybe when everyone is well again I’ll go home and fire up the sewing machine.
1. front closeup, 2. linen_1.jpg, 3. striped sailor boatneck tee, 4. red ticking capri, 5. flow shirt, 6. fridas kjole/dress, 7. Vintage Fabric Girls Dress from Japanese Sewing Book, 8. front closeup, 9. klein hemdje
1. Muslin, 2. silk tank, 3. … just because i’m so proud of my sewing…, 4. new lacy top, 5. DSCN6074, 6. i made my jeans! (simplicity 3850- built by you), 7. 28may08, 8. Rok voorkant, 9. Built by Wendy dress – front view
Posted in inspiration. 9 Comments »
Errol, the chicken, is packed up and ready to go to Brooklyn. He’ll be at Fact & Fancy, a new gallery/shop started by two lovely ladies from Etsy. Rudolpho and Werner will be there too. I’m very excited about this, but right now I’m just tired.
good night.
Posted in plush. 14 Comments »
because it’s friday and I don’t have anything to show you anyway.
The concept:
a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd’s mosaic maker.
The Questions:
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What high school did you go to?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favorite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One Word to describe you.
12. Your flickr name.
If you need to see the answers, go here. I stole this from domesticali, but you should play along.
Posted in misc. 7 Comments »
This is the first dress I’ve made for my daughter, even though I’ve bought yards (and yards) of different pretty prints since she was born (2 and a half years ago!) intending to make many dresses and skirts. I was nervous about using a pattern and nervous about trying to fit a garment on a toddlers, but they are straight little noodles, so really it’s not hard at all. When Martha from Uniform Studio started making a garment a day for the month of may, I thought if she could whip out 30, then I could probably make one. So now that May is 2/3rds over it’s done. Granted it took me most of the month to find the pattern, but last weekend at the thrift store there it was and for 10 cents!
I had the idea for a little dress with a big pleat in the front and a strip of patchwork going down the middle and it turned out exactly the way I wanted, thanks mostly to the pattern. The back and the front are the same in the original, I just combined all the little pleats into one big pleat in the front and kept the back the same.
There is a lot going in these parts over the next month, so things might be quiet here. I’ll try to pop in once and a while, but I don’t think I’ll have much time for making. In the meantime, I’ve updated some of my links (especially the clothing section) so you can jump over there for your craft blog fix.
have a great weekend!
Posted in sewing clothes. 31 Comments »