happy food and stripe-y shorts on elsie marley

It’s day one of Kid’s Clothes Week! I started super early this KCW. Mostly because all my kids needed summer clothes. The problem with starting early is that one project turns into 4 more that I want to make. See I work like a crazy person. I don’t start one thing and then work on it until it’s done. No, I start something then get an idea for something else, abandon my first project and start on the new one right away. Then I get discouraged, or bored, or get an idea for yet another project and start that.

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sew fantastic blog series

July 18th, 2014

stripes and flowers tee on elsie marley

Annika from näh-connection asked if she could interview me for her Sew Fantastic blog series. What I am supposed to say no? :) Annika blogs from Germany and she is interviewing sewing bloggers from all over the world this summer.

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oliver + s school bus tee

July 17th, 2014

school bus tee on elsie marley

I am guest posting over at Oliver + S today. Super exciting! I’m talking a little about me, a little about KCW, and a little about sewing. I’ve even got a printable t-shirt design for you!

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nani iro month: summer bags

Nani Iro month just ended, but I’m going to post about my projects anyway. It’s not like Nani Iro stops being awesome on June 30! The spring line of Nani IRO is so gorgeous it was extremely hard to choose what fabrics I wanted.

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WooHoo! We made it to the end of the sew-along! Cherie and I were a little worried at first that no one would come to our party :) But you showed up and wow! you made some beautiful hoodies. I’m going to show you half and Cherie’s got the other half of the handmade hoodies on her blog.

happy homemade sew-along: round up

1. gray stripe 2. pink spiders 3. yellow stripe 4. floral 5. yellow

I think when something you sew works out, you want to let out a primal, “Yeeeeeaeaaah!” That little girl up there knows what I mean.  These buttery yellow and bubblegum pinks were some of my favorite hoodies.

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