elsie marley // creativity: lipstick and cowboy boots

I’m so glad you guys enjoyed my last post about creativity. Now we know you and everyone around you is  creative, whether or not you define yourself by your creativity. But how do you access it? How do you turn it on? The absolutely best way to kill all creativity is say, “Be Creative!” Arg! I think I even did that in my last post, sorry. It’s so easy to do, because if you are telling someone else to be creative then you probably aren’t the one doing the actual creative work.

And being creative is work. Like work it is really hard to get started and it totally sucks sometimes. Other times it’s so awesome you can’t even stand it.

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creative assignment: egg

April 17th, 2014

creative assignment: egg

So on Monday, I gave out an assignment. I admit it was a little silly, but sometimes silly things can be good. I wasn’t sure if anyone would do it. But you did! And it was awesome:

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calling all kids on elsie marley

I’m posting as a part of this awesome series hosted by Alida, Calling All Kids. It’s geared toward making unconventional clothes for your little ones who don’t fit the trucks for boys, princesses for girls stereotype.

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bunny at the door!

April 15th, 2014

bunny at the door! a tutorial by elsie marley

We don’t have many easter decorations: a few eggs, some bunnies here and there, maybe some flowers, but that’s it really. We needed something easter-y…and fast, because easter is this weekend! I came up with this giant easter bunny peaking in your front door. It’s like Kilroy Was Here got together with Donnie Darko and made an adorable bunny.  You can make one too–in the next 10 minutes even!


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creativity and an assignment

April 14th, 2014


I’ve been thinking of writing more about creativity on the blog. I’m not quite sure how to start. Even though (god help me) I have a degree in philosophy, I feel rather silly saying, “And now we will discuss the nature of creativity!” But at the same time, that is what I need–someone telling me what to do, a place to start. There is so much to talk about and creativity is so hard to pin down.

People think creativity is a thing you have or your don’t have, like blue eyes or curly hair. There is even this trend to say you are part of the creative class or that you are “a creative.” Oh barf. I think simply being a human being means you have to be creative: to stay alive, to raise your kids, to like your job, to get dinner on the table every night. But recognizing your creativity, understanding how it works, and accessing it is difficult. It’s like a muscle and muscles get weak when we don’t use them. 

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