twofer: squid + printer

September 18th, 2014

creative assignment: squid + printer

I sent out all the creative assignments earlier this week.  I took all the words you gave me, numbered them, and then had a random number generator spit out pairs. Some of the pairs were super random! Check these suckers out: 

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creative assignment: twofer

September 10th, 2014

creative assignment: twofer

It’s been a little while since our last Creative Assignment and I’m ready for another! How about you? Just the promise of Fall has me feeling refreshed.

creative assignment: twofer

1. lincoln 2. banana 3. dj felix 4. cyclops 5. doorbell 6. diy sticker mandala

New ideas are the new thing these days. It sometimes seems our economy is riding on the hope of “new ideas.” As humans we are always looking for the exciting new thing. As modern humans we are looking to wow our boss or get famous or make bank, all with the one new idea.

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crocheted beach blanket

August 13th, 2014

linen beach blanket with crochet edging on elsie marley

Four years ago, I crocheted some edging on a few yards of linen and made myself a beach blanket. I have loved that thing ever since. It’s just the right mix of utilitarian and fancy for me (and for the beach). It has held up suprisingly well. The crochet bit has gotten skrunchy and soft from all the washings. The photos below are from when I made it and today.

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stripy suit

August 6th, 2014

stripy swim suit on elsie marley

I started sewing clothes for my kids 6 years ago. These pants are actually the first thing I ever made! Part of me is very proud at how far I’ve come. That up there is a by god homemade swimsuit! But then another part of me is disappointed with my sloth-like pace.

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summer kcw: striped tank and green shorts

It wouldn’t be KCW if there wasn’t some sort of screw up. I really thought I would have a new outfit each day to post this week, but no. These shorts were supposed to be for my 7-year-old boy, but they were way too big. I had a black t-shirt I made for him too. I was about to iron on a design he made, but then his younger brother’s shirt came out of the dryer.

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