I was sick of the stupid bathroom towel always ending up on the floor. So I whipped up this bad boy in the spirit of those awesome old fashioned public bathroom continuous towel thing-a-ma-jigs (which I can seem to find on the internet; have they ceased to exist?). All it took was a little patchwork bias tape to cover the raw edges and velcro to join the ends. You could use buttons or snaps, but I could not because my monkey of a son would then use it as his personal bathroom swing.
The towel fabric is a waffle weave muslin that I found when I was looking for fabric for the kids’ summer towels or summer robes. I only bought a quarter of a yard so I could see if it would soften when I washed it. And it did, nicely too. Then I went to get some more, only this time I went to Joann’s instead of the fancy fabric shop, and when I washed the three yards of it I got, it came out super thick and shrunk up (see above). Does Joann’s just carry inferior everything, or did I wash it wrong? Has anyone worked with waffle weave muslin before and have some insight? Because I really like how the bathroom towel turned out and had visions of making kitchen towels for everyone for christmas out of this stuff
Wouldn’t it be great in the kitchen? I suppose linen or terry cloth would work just as well. I’m going to have to use the shrunk up stuff to make the kids’ robes; I just hope they don’t make them look like little sumo wrestlers.
Posted in sewing. 32 Comments »
A while back when it was raining nonstop we made these very sweet rain paintings, but now that it’s extra hot I was thinking I’d turn on the sprinkler and make sprinkler paintings instead. I found the project at the crafty crow— where you can find every kid’s art project ever thought up–and you can find the original post about it here. To make rain paintings you crush up watercolor paints (we put them in plastic bags and banged on them with a rolling pin), sprinkle them on some paper and put it out in the rain.
It’s such a simple and quick project, but every part of it was exciting for the kids (and me): whacking the paints with the rolling pin, using the paints we “made” and standing out in the rain waiting to see what would happen.
After you decide the picture is done and pick it up, all the paint will run (and your sidewalk will turn bright blue). I was kind of disappointed when this happened, but my kids squealed with joy. We hung them up in the window to dry and they were so beautiful with the sun shining through them. The whole porch was bright and glowing even though it was still raining outside.
The pictures do fade when they dry, but then you can take a pen and turn your rain painting into a beautiful rain garden.
I had grand plans to do project after project with my kids this summer, but there has been more lazing around than anything else. This project, though, is right up my alley: simple, quick, bright, and all about the process. Anyone got any good preschool age art projects to recommend that have been a success? I’m thinking marble painting is next.
Posted in kid art. 16 Comments »
image by Eric Fisher via (sc)
Jenny over at wisktenmade said a while back that she collected images from the internet that inspired her or just struck her fancy and stuck them in a folder, then over time she could see themes come out: a certain color, or shade of a color, specific details, things that you so obviously like, but somehow tend to forget. I do tear pages out of magazines, but then get lazy when it comes time to put them somewhere (and then of course they are everywhere). It’s easier to collect images and links on the internet of course, but I wasn’t putting them in a place where I could step back and see them as a whole. Then I found tumblr, a site that hosts mini blogs, and it was made for this kind of thing. You can find me here on tumblr; let’s hang out.
So tumblr works really well to collect all the images you find inspiring, but then there is this sort of ridiculous site called rumblr, where you pit two tumblr sites against one another. It looks pointless in that “hot or not” kind of way, but it actually makes some beautiful diptychs that are inspiring in their own right. The one above and the one below are from mociun’s and the brick house’s tumblrs.
And these next two are a mash up of molly irwin‘s tumbler and and one of nat‘s awesome tumblr collections:
aren’t they wonderful?
And speaking of great photography, the lovely ladies at habit are featuring submissions from their readers all month. The only guidelines are to take an unstaged picture that represents your day in some way and post it the day it was taken. I think that habit is a fantastic photography project that lets you stop fussing with what you are taking a picture of and just enjoy taking the picture. It’s wonderful that they are letting their readers play along. I’ll be there and you can too.
Posted in inspiration. 7 Comments »
I started this skirt right before Easter I think. It sounds like it took a ridiculous amount of time, but there would be weeks that I didn’t even pick it up. I think this skirt is more like a knitting project than a sewing one (not as if I know anything about knitting), but it’s a slow going, watching tv kind of project like knitting is. Sometime the slow rhythm of the stitching would be comforting, but other times it would become tedious as hell.
It’s horrible working on something for so long and not knowing if it will fit at all, much less fit and be flattering. To make this skirt (the swing skirt from the Alabama Stitch Book by Natalie Chanin) you have to paint the design on the skirt, then hand stitch around each leaf, then cut out the leaf from the top fabric, then only after all of that can you sew the panels together and see if it fits. Whatever expectations I had about this skirt in the beginning were made even more unattainable by what the author tells you to do when you are preparing your thread for stitching:
“Loving” your thread infuses the work with kind intentions, but it’s also a very practical step that removes excess thread tension and prevents pesky knotting…Hold the doubled thread between your thumb and index finger, and run your fingers along it from the needle to the end of the loose tails while saying, “This thread is going to sew the most beautiful garment ever made. The person who wears this garment…will bear it in health and happiness; it will bring joy and laughter.”
So there is much hope and good intention in my stitches, but it is not the most beautiful garment ever made. Though I feel a little bad saying that, as if I am hurting the skirt’s feelings, because well, I told her she would be the most beautiful garment ever made about a thousand times over as I threaded my needle and began to stitch. Look at that! talking to a skirt! going a little crazy over here. Maybe this skirt is the most beautiful garment in the world, but it’s only the skirt that knows it.
As I see it, the skirt is a little big. But maybe I’ll take it apart someday and take it in a little, but for now it’s fine–not the best thing in my closet, but the only one I’ve ever had a conversation with.
Posted in sewing clothes. 22 Comments »
I’m ashamed to say how long ago I started this shirt. I think it was supposed to be for Rae’s spring top week, which was in April. Well, it is very much summer here now and it’s finally done. Too late for one contest, but just in time for another. ha! The shirt started out as this ridiculously large muumuu swim suit cover up from h&m. I had been looking for a stripey shirt for summer, but couldn’t find one that was just right. I saw this gigantic number and liked the stripes, so I spent all of 5 bucks for it. I thought with that much fabric I could probably screw up and still come out with a shirt.
I used a 70s knit shirt pattern I had squirreled away and it worked out ok. I lent the pattern to a friend so I can’t show you the pattern picture, but it’s a v-neck, raglan sleeve shirt with a little bit of gathers at the point of the V. I’ve had shirts like this before and they have always been flattering. I didn’t gather it as much as the pattern wanted me too because it made the V neck too high up and I wanted a deeper V, so next time I’ll try to figure out how to make the pattern do both those things at the same time. It also came out a little boxy and a little short, but I think I can fix that next time.
I have no idea how the pattern wanted me to finish the neckline, which is why this shirt has been sitting around unfinished since April. Finally I just slapped a half ass binding on it and called it done. And I’m happy to say I actually wear the sucker. Out of the house even.
Posted in sewing clothes. 11 Comments »