yellow week: one
February 16th, 2009
sort of fell off the blog bandwagon there. I’m trying to get back in the swing of things with erin’s yellow week.
mobiles and bears and wolves
February 3rd, 2009
All the mobile swap partners have been sent out, so if you signed up be sure to check your email (if you didn’t get one look in your spam folder before you freak out and email me, but do email me if you didn’t get a partner). The swap is just as big as last year, so it should be a lot of fun to watch. And I am just watching this year. There is just too much going on for me to sign up for something else–even if it is my own swap. I will be posting pictures here through the month as people finish their mobiles (and next month I’ll post the procrastinator’s mobiles).
The little bear up there is Adele and she’s for sale in my shop. She’s made from this ridiculously cool fabric a friend gave me and a felted wool sweater. I think she’s my favorite of all the bears I’ve made so far. The post needed a picture and my shop needed some shameless promotion. So there. And speaking of etsy (and shameless promotion) my friend’s shop tenfinger workshop has some pretty fantastic things in it these days. Little valentine guys, a sweet and modern dollhouse, and (my favorite) little red ridinghood. So go check it out!
one quilt: september and october
February 1st, 2009
I am sadly and just ridiculously behind with the one quilt project. You think, “it’s one square a month, I can handle that.” And then it becomes another thing to actively blow off while making other things or trying not to think about while camped in front of the tv. I am very good at procrastinating, but crap at coming up with excuses. Of course once you start you realize: 1. it’s not that hard and 2. it doesn’t take that much time at all and finally 3. why did I blow this off in the first place, I like it. The pale yellow that Beth sent for October’s block did actually throw me off; it’s just not a color I ever choose. I tried bright purples and oranges with it, but it looked too football, too Minnesota Vikings for my taste. So I went with blue and gray, which is what I always do and damn if pale yellow doesn’t just look good to me now. I used this for inspiration because it is just so awesome. And even though mine is not as awesome I’m pretty okay with how it turned out.
I knocked out a square for Leah as well, but this one was much less go with the flow and more rip and swear real loud. I saw this pattern on the internets, neglected to read the instructions, and had a hell of a time making everything at least almost match. I need a lot more practice when it comes to quilting and I hope Leah can forgive me, this is as good as it gets right now. I think the picture makes it look a little worse than it is (or maybe it looks better in my head). The concept is good (though not mine) but triangles are hard.
kiddy messenger bags
January 28th, 2009
I’ve made up a new batch of kiddy messenger bags for my shop, but the one you see above (on my cute little girl) can be yours for free! Cassie at the awesome Crafty Crow is giving it away and you still have time to put your name in the hat. Just in case you don’t win (I never do) you can hop over to the shop and take your pick.
and remember there are only a couple more days left to sign up for mobile swap 2009!