three kids in a room: part two
December 13th, 2011
This is what was once a closet. The closet never worked all that well for clothes storage (name me one kid who puts their clothes on hangers). Luckily it was deep enough that we could make a workable art studio in the space. The deal was that my son would get the loft bed and my daughter would get her own desk. Obviously they share this space, but my daughter is the prolific artist in the family.
My brother built the desk and shelves with leftovers from the cloud bed and whatever wood he scrounged up in our basement. The top shelf is for coloring books and work books. The other two shelves are my older kids’ special shelves. All the pretty rocks, weird bits of plastic, pieces of string, cards from grandma, and whatever else ends up in their pockets goes here.
The art supply wall idea came from Pinterest (it’s originally from HGTV, but I can’t seem to find the link). I called up a sheet metal shop in town and asked if they could cut a piece of metal to size for me. “No problem!” they said. They were the nicest guys–made sure there were no sharp edges, drilled holes so I could hang it easily, chatted me up about the weather, and charged me 20 bucks. I glued 2 super strong magnets to the back of each tin (though some could use 3, I think) and filled them up with pencils, markers, glue, tape, and all that other good stuff. This art studio is one of the best parts of the room–it gets used every single day.
Here is an overview of the room. You can really see how small it is from this angle. It looks so clean and uncluttered, but wait, what is all that stuff under those beds:
There is a bunch of hidden storage in this room and it works out really well. Under the crib (on the left in the photo) is a box of linens for all the beds, a cradle full of babies, and a puzzle box. The ottoman with hairpin legs (thank you, craiglist!) is also a toy box. Under my daughter’s bed is the giant box of dress up stuff (which was a curbside find) and a wooden box for their pajamas. Not bad, right?
It’s taken us 9 months (really?!) to finish this room. Whew! All of that for a few before & after shots:
This room was a nursery, then two toddlers’ bedroom and now three happy sibling share it! So here is a little bonus before & after with a before-the-before photo in there:
Thanks for coming along with me as we made this room. Here are all the posts about this little room in one place:
- nursery tour on ohdeedoh
- before post
- during
- still during
- still still during
- after post 1
- after post 2 (that’s this one silly)