![first day](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2629/3720675820_1022c3288a.jpg?v=0)
It’s my little boy’s first day of (pre)school today. Now is where I’m supposed to say they grow up so fast, etc. etc. but really sometimes it goes painfully slow. I feel like we’ve been talking up this day for a long long time. I want him to do silly dances and think I’m hilarious forever, but I also want him to sit on the potty by himself and not wake up all the time at night. It will be nice to have a few hours a week to myself, but I do already miss him. Parenting is ridiculous. Anyway, I made him a school bag (of course) with this fantastic japanese animal print I had squirreled away just for this very occasion. I got it a while back from the etsy shop alittlegoodness, which is now sort of under new ownership. His sister is very jealous of the new bag and pretty pissed that she just has the same old one she’s always had (even though hers was the first kiddy messenger bag!). Oh well, she’s bigger and gets to tell him what to do.
Now I have to go paint the bathroom.
Posted in sewing. 11 Comments »
![vinyl hexagons](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2563/3678720718_fc61f767b6.jpg?v=0)
I actually took this picture last wednesday, but found myself picking up this little project again today. They are vinyl hexagons: a little crafty, a little s&m. That’s how I roll. No, really, this project isn’t going to make any sense until it’s done and then only if it works. So I guess you’ll just have to wait.
I haven’t even turned my computer on the last couple days. I’ve been reading. Books. Fancy that. So please if there is crafty awesomeness that I am missing on the internets, shoot me a link in the comments.
Posted in misc. 9 Comments »
![wisconsin map](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3557/3678740234_dc8f362db5.jpg?v=0)
trash picking season is in full swing here. I’ve found a few things, including this fantastically huge map (we live in wisconsin, if you didn’t know, so it’s not weird). I’ve had to pass by many things because with another baby on the way we just don’t have room for more stuff, even if it is free for the taking. Speaking of that little baby, he or she will be here soon–seven weeks–so I think I have to be in this space a little less and start to make room for the little one. I will still check in, probably once a week, but if I disappear you will know what I’m up to.
for more awesome trash look here.
Posted in my home. 10 Comments »
sorry. This week just got away from me (for many reasons, but I won’t bore you with them). Kristin over at plush you wrote my blog up in a list of 15 lovely blogs. Thank you kristin! I am supposed to pass on the link love by listing 15 newly discovered blogs that I have found. And what the hell, here goes:
1. beci orpin
2. sparkle power
3. the brick house
4. violetta estacalda
5. quinn
6. on hand modern
7. sweet sweet life
8. this tiny house
9. dolls and things
10. clever girl
11. lea redmond
12. the story girl
13. misako mimoko
14. seed stitching
15. at swim two birds
whew! have a good weekend (and may some of it be spent outside and not on the computer). see you sometime next week.
Posted in inspiration. 8 Comments »
![baby shoes](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2477/3638100867_668815a629.jpg?v=0)
I whipped up these stripey baby shoes before we left on vacation for a coworker of my husband’s. I bought the pattern on etsy (here). The directions tried to be incredibly clear, but got a little complicated because they just went on and on. Mostly I just looked at the pictures and copied what I saw. They might be a little small–hopefully she’s a slender ankled baby girl. The plaid shoes in the pattern photo are so flippin cute I think I’ll make some just like it for the little bun in my oven.
Posted in sewing clothes. 19 Comments »