Tell the great thrift store gods what you need and you will receive (sometimes). I said I needed more color in my life and shazzam! A bunch of bright, awesome prints in the bargain fabric bin at my local thrift store. A buck a piece, not bad seeing as the management likes to jack the price up whenever her little heart desires. Sometimes they’re $4 a piece, sometimes they’re tagged with outrageous prices, and it’s always the same shit. But I’m very happy with what I gots, now I just have to figure out what I’m going to do with it.
Posted in thrift. 12 Comments »
So we went to Morocco. It was our honeymoon–five years late, but our honeymoon nonetheless and now that we have two little kids I think the time to ourselves was much more appreciated. And thanks to my wonderful in-laws we were able to get away for a whole week. We spent a few days in Marrakesh in a very simple riad, which was nice because Marrakesh is a crazy, frantic place.
We were dodging mopeds and surviving the hard sell, but also eating some damn fine food and drinking mint tea all over the place.
We took a bus to the coast to a town called Essaouria, where we had the best meal of all. Right on the ocean in a little shack, we pointed to fish we wanted and they slapped it on the grill. I really have no business eating seafood in a land locked state, I now realize. I ate piles of shrimp and sardines and washed them all down with a fanta (why can’t I get an orange fanta in the US? what the hell? and why is it so good?).
We had an amazing time and there is too much to show here (but there are a few more pictures on flickr). It made me realize I need a lot more color in my life and I need to get to the ocean more often.
One more picture, because who else is going to get excited about huge piles of yarn straight out of the dye vat?
Posted in inspiration. 28 Comments »
I’ve been gone for a little longer than I expected. Right after I wrote that last post, my computer died (maybe my computer reads my blog). So I learned to live without internet for a while, which was probably a good thing. My handy dandy husband wrassled up a computer for me to work on and I’m figuring out all new ways to do all the old things. While I was away from the internets, we took a fantastic trip to a foreign land. I’ll be back tomorrow to tell a bit about it, but now I’m going to bed because right when we got back I got the flu. ugh.
Posted in plush. 9 Comments »
I’m going to step back from this blog for a bit. I think some time away from the computer is what I need right now. Visit all the super crafty folks on my links page while I’m gone.
Be back in a couple weeks…
Posted in misc. 15 Comments »
This is a little tug boat I’m working on. Pattern making is the pits: sew, sew, sew, rip, rip, rip. The top bits are done, but the actually boat needs some more tiny changes. I haven’t been much for the plush lately, but I think I’m much more suited to it than making clothes. It’s challenging, but still quick, which is great when you have to remake the same toy over and over again. I’m very happy with the piping, but somehow the plaids almost match when I didn’t want them to match at all. If my son would start napping again this would be done in no time, but now who knows.
Posted in Uncategorized. 5 Comments »