hello. it’s been a little while, sorry. A stomach bug came and destroyed us for a week, but now all has been washed and we are feeling much better, thank you. Nothing has been made, so I’ll show you what other people are making.

If I had a spot in my house for this, you bet your ass I’d be making it. via the always awesome brick house.

This beautiful gold necklace is made from squash seeds painted with gold leaf.   Super fancy and yet almost free!

Trula is a pretty new blog that shows off all the awesome kids clothes the mama makes. They are comfy and stylish and (thankgod) not just for girls. She has an etsy shop (and I’ve got my eyes on that bag).

I’m bummed that I was laid up all week with the sick, because I missed out on Lily’s week of shapes, but she mentioned she might host a week exploring line and one for shadow. Maybe if we all pester her enough it will happen soon.

the new year

January 3rd, 2010

1. gingham dress, 2. stripey dining room, 3. hat, 4. warren, 5. adele, 6. leaf crown, 7. one quilt: march, 8. summer girl, 9. corduroy coat, 10. earrings, 11. pointy hat, 12. patch on

We welcomed the new year with a big pot of fondue, the everyone promptly got the flu (not from the fondue). So I sort of missed  the first few days of this new year. I’m happy it’s here though, flu and all. Last year was a little rough (me and pregnancy don’t really like each other much) still a few things got made and some good ones at that. I put my favorites up there–that baby being the best thing I made by far. I hope to rework this little blog in the new year and maybe even get going on some patterns I’ve been meaning to work on. We’ll see. This little baby just learned to roll over and crawling comes quickly to my boys, so I’m guessing all sewing time will soon be gone.  I have ambitions though, three days in to 2010 and my list is already long.

Happy New Year to you and yours!

twenty fourth day of advent

December 24th, 2009


We are getting ready for lots of eating and merry making.  I hope you have lovely meals and lots of cookies in the coming days. I’m going to take a little break and I’ll see you all in the new yeat! Merry Christmas!

Download today’s coloring page here
See all the coloring pages so far here

twenty third day of advent

December 23rd, 2009


I have one more present left to wrap and then I’m ready for all of them to be ripped open on christmas morn. Are you one of the crazy ones waiting to shop until tomorrow? I secretly wish I was, then all the hurrying would be stuffed into just one day and all of december could be about making and eating cookies and drinking glog. Then again maybe it’s a good thing I work on presents for most of the month, otherwise I’d be round and drunk.

Download today’s coloring page here
Check out all the coloring pages so far here
Buy the whole fancy advent calendar coloring book here
See everyone’s fancy coloring here

twenty second day of advent

December 22nd, 2009


Santa’s reindeer are going to have some serious snow to deal with here in the states this year. It’s snowing here again today and there are 8 inches predicted for Christmas day. There will be much sledding and hot chocolate. And cookies!

Download today’s coloring page here
Check out all the coloring pages so far here
Buy the whole fancy advent calendar coloring book here
See everyone’s fancy coloring here

December has flown by and I forgot to tell you all that I have been posting over at habit all month. The lovely ladies there invited all the guests back for a big holiday photography party all month long.  It has been beautiful and is getting even prettier as christmas approaches, so go have a look!