Posts Tagged ‘blog’

the blogue

Having a blog is sort of ridiculous. It starts off as a little place to show off the lovely things we’ve made for ourselves, but becomes a demanding little blog you have to make things for. I enjoy making things for the pleasure of it, but I also love making things–tutorials and patterns–that I think you will like.  I need to define a bit more what I’d like elsie marley to be and I need your help with that. I’m slowly (and with much help) redesigning this little blog and I’d love to know what you think of it, where you think it should go, and what you would like to see more of here.

If you have a minute I would love it if you could answer a little survey for me. It is 7 questions that will help me know you a teeny bit better (hello lurkers out there) and know where you think the blog should go. It is such a pleasure to have lovely readers like you!  Without you I would be sitting here talking to myself and that would be silly, because you are much more interesting to talk to.

Click here to take survey

The photos are two pictures I put up on my tumblr a little while back and I cannot. stop. looking at them.  Click on the pictures for the source.