jack sprat could eat no fat
his wife could eat no lean
and so, betwixt them both
they licked the platter clean

Here they are staring at the clean platter. The platter was kind of an afterthought actually (and I think it’ll probably end up as a rug in the dollhouse, because it looks more like a rug anyway) but it has given me a couple ideas for the dish who ran away with the spoon. Jack and his wife turned out well–not quite as I imagined, but good enough. I have this silly notion that if I can come up with the idea and draw it, then I can sew it. When really I’m not a very experience sewer and even less experienced when it comes to soft toys. These two, I think, are closer to dolls than to soft toys (if there is such a distinction). And dolls are hard: little limbs are hard, heads are hard, and hair is pretty much impossible. I wanted Jack’s wife to have a little, neat bun, but instead she has a mass of wool dreadlocks rolled into a ball at the back of her head. And the bonnet I made (pre hair) is a bit too small, but it matches her outfit–and it’s reversible–so it stays.
On the other hand, I’m very pleased with how Jack’s hair turned out. Granted there isn’t much of it, but it turned out just as I pictured, so I’m happy. He is a little lacking in the accessories department, so I think I might whip him up a little vest to wear to dinner.Just one more picture, so you can see his wife’s apron. I based it on one of Amy Karol’s aprons in Bend the Rules Sewing and I’m happy to say her patterns are just as fabulous in teeny tiny sizes.
If you’d like to see more pictures of these two you can jump over to my flickr page. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!