Posts Tagged ‘sewing’

it’s a…


He was 5 days late, 5 excruciating days, but now he’s here and part of the family. This second son of mine is modeling his “if I make it the baby will come” outfit that I made in that last week of pregnancy. I stole pants and hat idea from Made by Rae, because I literally could have no other thoughts that week besides, “it’s it time yet? now? now is going to happen?”The hat reverses to a pink stripe because we didn’t know if it was a little man or a little lady. The pants are from an old tank top that is  super lightweight because it’s August and should be hot, right? The Midwest has decided what the hell let’s have fall early this year.

The booties I actually started when I was in labor and finished up this past week. They’re from the same pattern I made for a friend’s baby and they are just so stinking cute. And now I have a whole Von Trapp matching family!

sewing calendar

No baby yet (two days overdue and counting) but this is pretty damn exciting. I’m in a calendar! and I’m not naked in it! This is a pretty fantastic calendar, one I might even pick up if I wasn’t in it–and I’m pretty cheap, I mean I draw my own calendars monthly. There are so many fantastic projects in here:  two each week. It’s just the right amount because you could actually do two little sewing projects each week.  And there are so many fantastic bloggers in here like Ellen from the long thread, Alicia from the Mayfly, Dawn from UK lass in the US, and the listed of talent just goes on and on.  I’ve got 2 projects in the calendar: the tin can cover (hey look it’s on the cover!) and the post office bag, oh wait I found another in there, the half eaten gingerbread man (all my tutorials are here, if you are interested). I can’t believe I’m thinking about Christmas yet, but I am, and this would make a great gift for a lot of people on my list. I have no idea if it’s in stores yet, or what stores it will be in, but if I see it in one I will surely freak out and tell everyone I know.

chair patch

This chair has had a blanket casually draped over it–hiding that big ol’ rip–for quite a while now.  It was getting pretty annoying, so I finally formulated a plan to fix it. I saw this fantasticly awesome patch job on flickr a long time ago and have been wanting to do something like it ever since.  You might remember the weird S&M vinyl sewing action here a few weeks ago, well it became a loooong strip of black vinyl hexagons (not paper pieced, I’m not that insane, you can sort of half ass hexagons on your sewing machine–see all those wrinkles? yeah, half ass).

and then using an obscene amount of glue I patched the hole. And it worked!

This chair was a trash pick by someone else and then a gift (to me!) when they moved out of town. It feels good to breath new life into it, for a few more years at least.

And for all of you who have so kindly emailed asking: no, no baby yet. I’ve been slowly loosing my mind the last few weeks and now I’ve just given up. I will be pregnant forever. Granted I’m not due until Monday, but all the signs are there and besides haven’t I been pregnant long enough? shesh.  Oh well, bring on the spicy food and sappy movies!

first day

It’s my little boy’s first day of (pre)school today. Now is where I’m supposed to say they grow up so fast, etc. etc. but really sometimes it goes painfully slow. I feel like we’ve been talking up this day for a long long time. I want him to do silly dances and think I’m hilarious forever, but I also want him to sit on the potty by himself and not wake up all the time at night. It will be nice to have a few hours a week to myself, but I do already miss him. Parenting is ridiculous. Anyway, I made him a school bag (of course) with this fantastic japanese animal print I had squirreled away just for this very occasion. I got it a while back from the etsy shop alittlegoodness, which is now sort of under new ownership. His sister is very jealous of the new bag and pretty pissed that she just has the same old one she’s always had (even though hers was the first kiddy messenger bag!). Oh well, she’s bigger and gets to tell him what to do.

Now I have to go paint the bathroom.

wip wednesday

I actually took this picture last wednesday, but found myself picking up this little project again today. They are vinyl hexagons: a little crafty, a little s&m.  That’s how I roll.  No, really, this project isn’t going to make any sense until it’s done and then only if it works. So I guess you’ll just have to wait.

I haven’t even turned my computer on the last couple days. I’ve been reading. Books. Fancy that.  So please if there is crafty awesomeness that I am missing on the internets, shoot me a link in the comments.