Posts Tagged ‘sewing’
I’ve been thinking about this project for a while. All my hand sewing supplies are jammed into a crappy bag my husband got at some conference and it’s gotten so bad that I can’t even bear to look at it much less sort it out. I wanted something where everything I needed would be there when I had a minute to sew (and most of the time it is literally a minute). I just wanted to open it up and sew. Immediately a book came to mind and then I thought of these reader’s digest books. We have a couple (back to basics is my favorite) and you can get them at any thrift store. And low and behold next time I went there was this DIY one waiting for me. I was a little nervous at first because it looked like there might be a ridiculous amount of measuring involved, but there really wasn’t and it came together pretty quickly.
On the left there is one removable embroidery floss card, with spots for 4 more (it was getting late) and a big wonky pocket underneath. In the middle there is a little ribbon to tie a small scissors. On the right there are some pockets for pencils and a big scissors or glasses, a pincushion, and under the pincushion is a needle book. I think I may make a few more of these just so I can get it right and maybe even to sell (if you think there are people who would buy them). I think the big pocket should be two pockets that snap close and the needle book needs a snap or some kind of closure too. I have to totally redo the embroidery floss cards because they were a pain the the butt, but I like that they are removable. Is there something you would add? It is too matchy matchy? Should I use different fabrics for everything? I need some feedback over here.
Posted February 7th, 2008 in craft. Tagged: diy, hack, handmade, needle book, pincushion, sewing, sewing book, thrift, vintage.
sorry for the absence, I am slowing crawling out of a flu hole–one that sucked me in for almost a week. Thank goodness for extremely supportive and hardworking husbands!
Needless to say, nothing got done this past week. But in honor of
whipup’s children’s crafts month, which I am very excited about, I scrounged up some things I made for my daughter a while back. It surprises me how excited she is to have accessories for her dolls (as I cannot accessories myself out of a paper bag). The top two photos are pictures of the swing smock from Amy Karol’s book, “Bend the Rules Sewing.” I just traced the pattern in the book–no enlarging necessary–and followed her directions. I used velcro as a fastener instead of ties, but other than that it is the same as the bigger version. The bottom left is a little mattress and pillow for her dolly’s cradle. I should have used extra batting on the inside so it was more tufted, but oh well. And the last is a wonky dolly diaper. Super easy and as this one has already been lost, I think it’s time for me to make another. She didn’t help with any of these, but a child could certainly pick out the fabric and older kids could even help sew.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be making accessories for a plastic dolly, but here I am.
Posted January 10th, 2008 in sewing. Tagged: amy karol, cradle, diaper, doll, handmade, kids, mattress, pillow, sewing, smock.
This isn’t quite a year in review, seeing as I’ve only had this blog since September, but the pictures are all toys I designed and made since then. Really it’s more of a gratuitous pat on the back for finally getting off my ass and making the things I think up. I’m horrible when it comes to doing new things, especially when they are creative endeavors. The teenager in me is scared of what people will think and of failing miserably and the grown woman in me doesn’t understand where the hell the impulse to make soft toys came from anyway (there must be a Frosted Flakes joke in there somewhere).
I have a bunch of things I want to do for my kids, my husband, my house, and even my poor dogs this new year, but I would like to open up an etsy shop for me. We’ll see. I have to make a few more things first (and I have to figure out packaging, branding, shipping, blurb writing). I have a whole year to cross that one thing off my list.
Posted January 1st, 2008 in plush. Tagged: chicken, digger, dolls, elephant, plush, sewing.
Thank you everyone who is visiting from Sew Mama Sew. And thank you to Sew Mama Sew for featuring me a few times (!) this week. It’s an honor to have my things on such a fantastic blog. If you’d like to know who’s writing this blog (me) you can click on the about link on the right. Thank you for all your kind comments. I try to reply to most, but I’m a little behind because of the holidays. Starting a blog was on my to do list for most of this (2007) year and I’m so glad to have finally crossed it off. I never would have believed that a few kind words from strangers could inspire me so much. Many of you are no longer strangers, but people I look to often for advice. Thank you for sharing your ideas and thoughts with me. It’s a pleasure to be a part of such a creative and supportive community. I’ll need even more of that support next year because one of my resolutions is to start an etsy shop. And sew myself some clothes that don’t suck. Do you have any crafty resolutions for the new year?
The picture is a present I made for another sister. I showed you the needlebook and pincushion already, but I made the sewing machine cover to match after seeing the sorry looking toaster cozy she was using to cover up her sewing machine. Just a simple lined piece of patchwork with ribbon ties on each end. And an embroidered sewing machine so she knows where it goes (not on the toaster).
Hope you all have a happy new year!
Posted December 31st, 2007 in sewing. Tagged: birds, cover, cozy, embroidery, linen, patchwork, sewing, sewing machine.
This little bag was my present to my daughter even though I didn’t wrap it or even call it a present. Because December was so full of presents my daughter started expecting them everyday–well before christmas–and when there weren’t any she demanded More! Presents! But I still wanted to give her something. We did a lot of traveling for christmas, which if you have kids means schlepping an amazing amount of stuff around. I though it would be nice if my daughter could carry some of her own things. I followed one of the millions of tutorials on craftster (does anyone else remember when it was in it’s infancy?) for a simple bag. I’m new to making bags, not being a bag person myself, but it wasn’t all that hard really. I used a sew in interfacing, which made for a lot more cutting and sewing but I didn’t think to put it in the flap or the strap and I should have. Two year olds get frustrated easily (and all the time, ugh) so I think it’s important that the bag has some structure. I used a magnet closure thinking that it would be easy for her to use, but damn those are some strong magnets! It was filled with almost all handmade toys, which made me incredibly happy and very proud. And it meant that I didn’t have to shove even more crap in the diaper bag. She carried it the whole way.
The fabric (because a couple people have asked) is Alexander Henry and I’m not much for little kids prints, but I really like this one. And the inspiration for making the bag in the first place came from Beth at writemamawrite. She has a great list of things to pack for toddlers in that post as well, but let’s hope you have no more traveling to do–this year at least! We have one more plane ride home (home!) tomorrow and we’ll see if the excitement of “my new purse!” can last until then. Hell, I hope I last until then.
Posted December 28th, 2007 in sewing. Tagged: bag, bears, green, kids, messenger bag, sewing.