Wow, tutorials for coats are hard to find–understandably so–but honestly after making a few I can say that really they are not as hard as you think they are. I think a wool kimono top–ooo, like this–lined in something soft would be a beautiful fall jacket and simple to make (here is a kimono pattern for 6m0-8yrs). On the other hand, inspiring images of handmade coats are everywhere! Oliver + S has a beautiful pattern for a toggle coat with a removable lining called the school days jacket + coat. And really you can’t go wrong with Liesl’s patterns; they are timeless, but somehow modern too and cute as all get out.
amazing handmade coats, capes and sweaters

1. QTPI Hoodie, 2. Swallow Cape, 3. New Fleece Vest, 4. duffle coat, 5. Sweet Pea, 6. Olive Shirt Coat, 7. Vintage Simplicity 5536 pattern, 8. hoodies, 9. St. Chickn
awesome tutorials for coats, capes, vests, sweaters and a skirt

storybook cape and muff, reversible vest, flutter cape, jacket placket, reporposed sweater tutorial, the smartigan, draft your own coat, lengthen coat sleeves, reversible patchwork scribble skirt tutorial
I know the last one isn’t really a coat (well it’s kind of a coat for your bottom half), but I somehow forgot it yesterday and was kicking myself for it because it’s the perfect fall skirt for us to make and for kids to wear: patchwork (I’m looking at you scrap basket about to take over the world), quilted, wrap around and reversible. Doesn’t get any better than that. So go over to Nan’s house and tell her just how much you love it.
Posted September 14th, 2010 in kcwc fall 2010, kids clothes week challenge. Tagged: cardigans, children, coats, handmade, homemade, hoodies, modern, patterns, sewing, sweaters, tutorials, vests.

I finished sewing a few things for the sale and I thought I’d pop in and show you. The bears are made from felted sweaters and printed cotton. I drew a simple bear then stitched, stuffed, and sewed on the features. Easy peasy. The denim and cashmere one is my favorite. I think it would be perfect for a little baby boy, but I have no idea if people will even buy these. I’m not much of a shopper (except for thrift stores and target) so I don’t really know what people buy or how much they pay for things. So how much would you pay for a bear like this ? They are a little under a foot tall (1 foot = 30 cm), machine washable, and super soft.

These are all the pillowcase dresses I’ve finished so far, but there are a few more cut and ready to go in my studio. I wasn’t going to make so many, but a showed a few to my friends and they were quite taken with them, so I whipped up some more. It doesn’t hurt that they are dead easy to make. And you can make them to fit girls from 6 months to 5 or 6 years old. For these I’m thinking 16 dollars a pop, what do you think? I haven’t sold stuff from a booth since my lemonade days, so I’m a little nervous about all of this. Tagging, pricing, talking up the things I’ve made. And this sale is the first of it’s kind so there could be a couple people there or hundreds. Nobody knows.
Posted March 18th, 2008 in plush. Tagged: bears, cashmere, dresses, felt, kids, pillowcase, plush, sewing, softie, sweaters, thrift, toy, vintage.

This is a half assed craft. But I’m not a knitter or crocheter, but I have seen a few pot cozies around the internets and I wanted some myself. So I cut off the sleeve of a felted sweater and voila! A little blanket stitch action on the top of one and damn if it doesn’t make those crappy plastic pots looks good.
that’s all I got. have a good day everyone!
Posted February 4th, 2008 in sewing. Tagged: cozy, embroidery, felt, mantle, plants, sleeve, sweaters.