the creativity club

January 15th, 2015

the creativity club on elsie marley

I started the creative assignments last year to push myself creatively, just a little bit. Many of you joined in, sewing eggs, snapping pictures, drawing patterns, and making other random & awesome things. More of you have been watching from the sidelines–which is totally fine!–but I want you to jump in too. I thought if I updated the assignments a bit: a new name, a proper schedule, pretty buttons to put on your blog. Then maybe I could get you to push yourself creatively too (just a bit).


So join the club, the Creativity Club.

  • How do I join the club? Say, “I’m in!” Out loud. Okay, now you’re in the club.
  • When does the club meet? The third Monday of each month.
  • What do I do in the club? We make things. I will give out a creative challenge each month (on the third Monday) and then you have a week to take on the challenge. You can draw, paint, collage, sew, dance, cook, anything, but it has to be something, not just an idea in your head.
  • Where does the club meet? We meet at the hashtag #thecreativityclub. Mostly instagram, but facebook and twitter too.

This isn’t supposed to be stressful, or another thing on your list. This is just something to mess around with, play with pens, cut some paper, make something without a freakin tutorial. Amy Poehler says in her amazing book (amazon affiliate link) which you should go read if you haven’t already, “The doing is the thing.” or as I like to say it…

doingthethingThe thinking about the thing, the googling the thing, the talking about the thing. Those are not the thing. The doing is the thing.  The making is the thing.

So let’s do the damn thing already. Next week, Monday, first challenge. Please take the images in this post and plaster them on your blog, or wall, or face, or facebook. And for those of you who need a bigger push to do the thing, here is your button:

the creativity club: fuck it, let's make art

Posted in creativity.

37 Responses to the creativity club

  1. Maria says:

    I’m in!!!!! :) ( side note: it wasn’t as louder as I wanted but little people is sleeping)

  2. Tiphaine says:

    I am IIIINNNNN !!! In Need to make, in need to imagine, in need to create.

  3. Anna says:

    I’m in! I said it out loud. This’ll be fun!

  4. Meritxell says:

    totally in!!! God job

  5. Paula says:

    I’m so in! This is just what I need. Thanks a lot!

  6. Sarah M says:

    I’m in! I totally love this idea~
    Sarah M

  7. Amy says:

    Meg, I think you’re the best. I laughed out loud at your post…and was shaking my head “yes” to all you wrote…so f-ing great. Love your writing style and approach. Thanks for being you!

  8. […] news from over at Elsie Marley, because I love it when people run with an idea and get others involved. Especially when that idea […]

  9. kristin says:

    am i the only one that read that bottom line on the last button as “fuck it, let’s make out?” no?

    I’M IN.

  10. Kate says:

    Yes! I’m in!

  11. Boyana B. says:

    I am IN!

  12. Boyana B. says:


  13. Monica Cox says:

    I’m totally f-ing in!!!!

  14. Jacomien says:

    Jumping in from the sidelines: I’m in!

  15. AmyL says:

    I’m in. Love the logo and had to do a double take to make sure I read it correctly.

  16. Corinnea says:

    I’m in. I think. I mean I want to be but I’m conflicted. I think I need to get over myself.

  17. Holly says:

    I’m soooo excited! and your graphics are FABULOUS!

  18. I am in! Bring it on!!

  19. Rebecca Pelletier says:

    Oh definitely! How fun! I’m in.

  20. Ellen says:

    That last part where you say talking about it isn’t doing it – yeah, that part. That’s good.
    I’m in, beautiful.

  21. Jojo says:

    I’m in! Can’t wait!