the quick little bunny tutorial

March 29th, 2010


I really wanted to make the sock bunny that Heidi (from My Paper Crane) created, but I didn’t have any of those fantastic red and brown monkey socks. What I do have is baby socks: tons of cute, mismatched, totally useless, never stay on baby socks. Now that my littlest is very much not an infant and too soon will be a toddler it seems kind of silly to keep all those teeny tiny socks. So I made a bunny out of them. And a tutorial too.

DSCN1529 DSCN1537

This is indeed a quick little bunny. After I figured out the pattern, start to finish each bunny took me just 15 minutes.  So if you are anything like me and never get around to the easter baskets until the night before, you can whip up this little softie and still have time to run to the drugstore to score the last bag of jelly beans.

The quick little bunny tutorial



  • baby sock
  • a handful of stuffing
  • heavy duty thread
  • scissors

Make that bunny:

Before you start sewing take second to look at the sock you have. Most of the foot part will be the body and the heel area will be the head. Yours might be a little different, depending on your sock. If you look at the picture below you can almost see the bunny already.


the body:

Take some stuffing and stuff the foot part of the sock–not too tight! this is just a little, squishy baby bunny. Where the foot part ends and the heal begins sew a running stitch around the sock and pull to gather it. I like to wrap my thread around where I’ve stitched a few times just so it’s secure. Knot your thread and snip.

the tail:


On the top of the bunny’s back,  sew a circle about an inch in diameter with a simple running stitch. Then pull to gather. You may have to mush the stuffing around so you can pull it tight  to make a tail shape. When you have a little bunny tail, wrap your thread around a few times and knot off (do people say “knot off?” does it sound too much like I’m yelling at you to go “knot off!”).

the head:


To make the head, put a little stuffing inside the sock and sew a running stitch around the top of the heel. Before you pull it taut make sure all the stuffing is pushed down under your stitches. Then wrap the thread around and knot off!

the ears:


Cut a big V shape out of the top of the sock. Now trim the top part of each ear to a point.  Then fold the two sides of the bottom part of one ear in to meet and sew together. This is a little easier to understand when you look at a picture:


When you sew that seam down the middle of the ear, it’s good to catch some of the back of the ear with your stitches, so the ears are a little thinner.

The attitude:

Okay, that is a dorky title, but this is the fun part. Now you can play around with the ears and the head, moving them to where you want and putting a stitch here and a stitch there so they will stay.


You don’t have to give your bunny an attitude, but you should stitch the back of the head to the body a little, so it looks more bunny like and less like a cinched up sock. There! you did it! Now go dig around in the sock drawer and see what else you can make into a bunny.


Posted in tutorials.

50 Responses to the quick little bunny tutorial

  1. I wanted to let you know that I shared your tutorial on my Etsy Trashion Team blog

  2. […] blog di Elsie Marley trovate un dettagliatissimo tutorial fotografico per realizzare questo buffo coniglietto da un […]

  3. sanztosi says:

    I’m Monica to Milan Italy
    very nice your tutorial I did an article on my blog about him.
    if you want to come and see me.

  4. stacy says: just upped my mommy-coolness by 10 marks. thanks!

  5. Those are darling! I’d love to make some for my girls for easter. I have plenty of odd little socks around, but I fear that ours will have to be grubby little bunnies due to the state the poor socks are in :) Thank you for a very well written and photographed tutorial!

  6. I need to have a baby so I can have socks that I can steal from it to make baby bunnies. Definitely happening.

  7. […] Gerade noch eine großartige Deko fürs Osternest gefunden! Und ich habe ja noch gar kein Osternest und keine Hasen und das Lamm hab ich auch noch nicht genäht! Und überhaupt muss ich mich jetzt langsam echt beeilen, wenn Ostern nicht nur aus Schokoladeneiern meiner Oma bestehen soll (die mir ein dickes Osterpaket VOLL mit Schokolade in Form von Hasen, Eiern und Küken geschickt hat). Gut geeignet ist daher auf den letzten Drücker noch der Sockenhase von Elsie Marley. […]

  8. […] Quick little bunny – made from old baby socks […]

  9. kelli says:

    how stinkin’ cute! thanks a bunch. i have a whole schlew of baby socks to make into these little cuties :)

  10. […] of Elsie Marley has a quick tutorial on a sock bunny made from children’s socks. Most adorable sock bunny I’ve seen in […]

  11. Erika says:

    This is such a sweet project…delightful! I have saved a couple of teeny tiny baby socks from my boys always intending to do something with them…this is perfect!

  12. […] socks. Hey, it’s a green craft too. Here’s where you’ll find the step by step tutorial to get you started. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not […]

  13. Visty says:

    Wow, this is perfect. Just yesterday I was lamenting over my daughter’s polka dotted baby socks, thinking I wanted them but didn’t know what to do with them. I am going to love all our polka dotted bunnies!

  14. Rachel says:

    Aww that is so, so cute! Thanks so much elsie, I’ll be linking to this. And thanks tons to Wendy for pointing me over here!

  15. […] Make a cute bunny from your baby’s old socks. It’s super cute and looks quick and easy. […]

  16. […] Marley has a tutorial for the most super simple Make Your Own Easter Bunny softie. It’s so cute and made out of wee baby […]

  17. claire says:

    oh it’s fantasti becouse i like the bunny!!!!!!!!

  18. […] the quick little bunny tutorial – Cutest things ever! I’m seriously running upstairs right now to raid my misc lost sock basket! […]

  19. flor says:


  20. flor says:

    solo io sono italiana??sobbbb

  21. Melanee says:

    I love it. My 3yr DS wanted a blue bunny. Now he can have one with friends!

  22. Carolyn says:

    I loved it! Very easy to make. I posted the photo here:

    Thanks Elsie!

  23. […] Sada zečevi dolaze na red. Prvo prugasti od starih čarapa. Jedan je po upustvu sa Familyfun sajta, sasvim lagan za izradu. Mališanima je potrebno minimalno pomoći da ga naprave. Drugi je po sličnom upustvu sa bloga Elsie Marley. […]

  24. […] mi se pare ca inventarea unui pronume de tipul it si in lb romana e absolut necesara), un iepure urat, care ar putea trece usor drept ren. Numai bine, merge de cadou si de Paste si de […]

  25. Jeannine says:

    Brilliant use of all those wee baby socks. Will definitely try this. Thank you very much for the tutorial.