summer journal: projects

August 16th, 2013

little chairs in rough shape

I bought these little chairs 5 years ago. And wow, they have been through a lot. They were in pretty rough shape…

little chairs in rough shape

…as you can see

recovering in action

Recovering them had been on my list for a very long time. I bought the oil cloth ages ago and then it just sat there, staring at me. Finally I just pulled out my staple gun and went for it!

little chairs all (recovered) in a row

And it was so much easier and faster than I ever imagined. Took me an hour or two tops!

recovered chair

Any projects you are finally crossing off your list this summer?


Posted in craft.

5 Responses to summer journal: projects

  1. melissa q. says:

    These look awesome! I love covering chairs. In fact, I have one that desperately needs it. I ought to get on that. As might have ascertained…finishing projects isn’t really something I want to share details about.

  2. tknight says:

    I have a set of these and the matching kids table from the 70s! they were mine growing up.

  3. Cristina says:

    Love the chairs! But love coconut butter even more! We like it on prunes. Thank you for the how-to!

    • meg says:

      Cristina, so glad you like it! I just made a batch the other day and it’s already half gone! I know I have prunes somewhere in the back of the cupboard. I’ll have to try the combo!

  4. christina says:

    Yay for quick, satisfying finishes! Love the cheery, updated look you gave your chair. I’m learning to solder and am finally upcycling my large collection of used guitar strings into bangles. So fun.