Two christmas presents done. I think I have started everyone’s gift, but finished a sad few. The starting is the exciting part; the hemming and trimming thread and finding a #@*% box to put them in is not. I’m desperately trying to get at least most of the gifts that have to be sent in the mail by friday, but I’m sitting here eating gingerbread cookies (stolen from my daughter’s St. Nick gift–thanks mom!). These two are from Sock and Glove, the japanese craft book (in english) by Miyako Kanamori. I have a few japanese craft books (in japanese) and I can follow all the diagrams, but always feel like I’m missing something. And I am–to fold an opening closed these are the directions given in the book: “Fold the back of the head like a caramel-candy wrapper.” It makes perfect sense, but how bizarre. These were a lot of fun to make. There was quite a bit of hand sewing involved, but they came together pretty quickly. The horse is actually a zebra pattern–same thing, right? That’s what I thought, but I should have made the mane longer to make it a little more horse like (equine, I guess). Oh well, he still cuddly. It’s pretty fantastic that these two came from two pairs of socks. There is a great pattern in the book for a sweater made from a sock as well. If there’s time (ha!) maybe I’ll whip one up for the elephant. I found this soft toy glove book as well with patterns for squirrels and bananas!
Posted in plush. 10 Comments »
Two perfectly good thrift stores very close to my house closed recently. One so quickly and secretly that I didn’t even get in on their unloading all this crap for a ridiculously low price sale. But I did manage to pick up these sweet little tin houses while I was on the other side of town. I think you’re suppose to put candles in them, but I’m content with them just looking pretty. They are on our mantle next to our christmas tree away from four curious baby hands.
Posted in christmas, holidays, thrift. 8 Comments »
I actually had this done early–one whole day early, but I’ve been too busy sewing to post. I had a couple different ideas, but spent too much time thinking about them and not actually making them. This is from some old martha stewart magazine and with two little babies in the house we are flush with baby socks (though not all in red and green, so I picked up some second hand ones). I even had some mini clothespins on hand! I picked up a bunch of little vintage ornaments to go in each sock. This is my favorite.
If you don’t have a calendar yet (this is usually the position I am in) I think this is a nice little grown up one you can download and print.
Posted in christmas, holidays. 12 Comments »
a little pair of baby shoes for a new little boy. These are quick to make, which is good because I had to make four in order for two to be the same size. It would be sweet to make a pair and fill them with treats for St. Nicholas day (december 6th–does anyone celebrate this anymore?), or tie them together and hang on the tree, or just make them for all the babies on your list–which is what I am going to do. I followed the tutorial for Heather Bailey’s bitty booties and you can too.
Posted in sewing. 5 Comments »
holiday birthdays always get the shaft. I don’t have one, but have sisters and friends that do and I’ve heard many lectures on the topic (all riviting). The lesson always is never ever say, “this present counts for christmas and your birthday!” So go back to your christmas list, make a new column for birthdays and do these poor, suffering people a favor and make them a birthday present (you get extra points for wrapping it with actual birthday paper).
I made this train bag for a little boy, whose birthday is before thanksgiving (so it doesn’t quite count as a holiday birthday). I used this very clever tutorial and did some freezer paper stencils on the inside. The stencils were not planned and really should have been, but oh well it’s not bad. He didn’t seem to mind, but he is only 2.
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