sixteenth day of advent

December 16th, 2009


Around these parts we drink eggnog and on our hot chocolate is lots of schlag (and mama would like a little brandy  in both).

Download today’s coloring page here

See all the pages so far here

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fifteenth day of advent

December 15th, 2009


Do you have all your christmas shopping done? Are you one of the hyper organized summertime christmas shoppers or are you freaking out that there are only 10 days until christmas? I am one of the latter, so off I go to get it done….

Download today’s coloring page here

See all the pages so far here

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fourteenth day of advent

December 14th, 2009


The christmas bells are ringing! Download today’s coloring page here! I’m so happy that so many of you (and your littles) are enjoying these pages. And thank you for the lovely compliments on my (very) simple drawings. I’m far from being an artist, but I do like pretending I am, so all those kind words give me hope.

As always:

See all the pages so far here

Buy the whole coloring book here

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thirteenth day of advent

December 13th, 2009


Happy Saint Lucia day! There is some sweet bread rising in the kitchen and we might make some crowns later today, then a little parade will probably be in order because I have a girl very proud to be the oldest. There are directions for making a lovely Santa Lucia crown here and there are star hats for the boys there as well! Hey, you could even print out mr. smiley star up there and paste him all over the little boy’s  hat.

Download today’s coloring page here

Buy the whole coloring book here

See what everyone else has been coloring here

twelfth day of advent

December 12th, 2009


Sorry today’s coloring page is a little late, but Granny was coming and the house had to be clean!

Download the stockings to color here

See all the pages here

Buy the whole coloring book here