straw and pompom garland tutorial

November 29th, 2010

the straw and pompom garland hanging on a mirror

a straw and pompom garland

I ordered a bunch of natural straws from the lovely online shop, Imagination Childhood (they call them swedish straws). I bought them for another project (thursday’s tutorial!), but I loved working with them so much I wanted to make a simple garland with them too. Obviously this can be done with plastic straws or even some pretty paper straws, if you don’t have any swedish straws lying around. But the natural straws are, well, natural and because of the they are curved slightly and the colors are mottled and the surface uneven, all of which makes them pretty beautiful.


materials for make a pompom and straw garland

To make this garland I paired the natural color of the straw with cream colored yarn, which is a little on the understated side (for me). I think bright, almost neon, pompoms in christmas light colors would look pretty fantstic too.

  • natural straws
  • bowl or pan in which the straws can lie flat
  • yarn
  • button thread (or any heavy duty thread)
  • yarn needle


First you have to make some pompoms. If you have a pompom maker you are good to go, if you don’t that’s fine too–just use this simple tutorial over at Bella Dia for making pompoms using only your fingers. You can, of course use the little store bought pompoms too.

making pompoms

While you are making your pompoms put the natural straws in some very hot water to soak. This makes the straw less brittle and less likely to split when you cut them. They should sit about an hour–enough time to make a bunch of pompoms. When you are ready to use them, take them out from the water, drain and wipe them off gently.

soaking the straws

To cut the straws, make a mark on one straw every two inches. If your yarn needle is shorter than two inches, make your straws a little shorter too–this will make things a little easier when you make the garland. Then take about 5 or 6 straws, including the one you marked, in your hand and line them up. Then cut. Some might go flying, but if they are still a little damp they shouldn’t go too far.

cutting natural straws

Now take a long piece of thread, knot it, and stick it through a pompom. It might take a few tries before you find the right spot where the knot doesn’t go right through. Then alternate pompom, straw, pompom, straw. Finish with a pompom and hide the knot in the yarn. If you want to keep going but ran out of thread, ready another needle and thread (knotted) and insert the need where the last straw and pompom meet, then just keep going.

pompom garland on the tree


Pretty paper stars also look nice between the natural straws. Popcorn might work, dried orange slices would look nice.  And I bet you can think of a bunch of other things too.

a christmas present for my lovely readers: a week of handmade ornament tutorials!

I will be accepting advertisers  on Elsie Marley starting January 2011. If you are interested in reserving a spot please email me and we can discuss the specifics! Thanks!

Posted in christmas, tutorials.

24 Responses to straw and pompom garland tutorial

  1. Aja says:

    Love your idea, I was just checking out imamgine childhood the other day adn saw these straws, now I know what they look like!

    Think I will make some up soon;)

  2. How pretty! I had the kids making some pom poms with the vague idea of using them for decorations. The only problem is that they soon tird of that, so there’s not nearly enough for a garland…

  3. Wendy says:

    OK, I absolutely LOVE these garlands! I am now thinking of how I can eek in some time to make some of those for our very undecorated home.

  4. Ash says:

    What a wonderful idea and I love that it has a vintage feel. Great tutorial, thanks for sharing.

  5. trula says:

    Great idea. Never thought of using pom poms like that. Looks really pretty.

  6. Jo says:

    Thanks for the lovely inspirational post – as always! You’ve inspired me to do a little decorating tonight while the kids are asleep so they wake up to something exciting :-)

  7. […] otra, es del blog de Elsie Marley y está hecha con pequeños pompones de lana y palitos de […]

  8. Anne Marie says:

    What an excellent idea! White pompoms for the christmas tree!!! I love it!

  9. erin says:

    this garland is amazing, meg. someday we are going to sit down together and i am going to tell you just how your creativity inspires me. ‘k?

  10. Oona says:

    Okay, the pompoms look awesome and I have been wanting to try making a pompom garland for a while now, but the paper star garland actually made me gasp out loud. So fun!

  11. Kimberly says:

    Oh baby! These are so simple yet totally elegant and somehow French-looking to me. The linen color perhaps? This is a must project – thank you!

  12. Denise says:

    These are so fabulous! I love those straws. Perfect!

  13. […] First you need to soak the straws and cut them into 2inch pieces. I explained this in detail in my tutorial for a straw and pompom garland. […]


  15. […] decoration from Meg (USA) at elsie marley…ps. all her Christmas decorations are handmade and she has written them down for us in […]

  16. Lena says:

    Beautiful garland! Thanks for sharing :)

  17. […] supposed to be much less trimming involved…then maybe I’ll manage to actually get some garland made before Christmas.  Or maybe at least before winter’s […]

  18. I absolutely love these tutorials. I am dying to get my hands on some of those straws, but imagination childhood is out of them. does anybody know another source?


  19. […] besitzt Filzkugeln zu drehen, ist dies auf jeden Fall eine Alternative. Eine Pom-Pom Girlande wie hier ist fix gemacht. Eine bunte Variante ist auch schon […]

  20. […] Gingerbread Man Garland 2. Noel Garland 3. Pom Pom Garland 4. Photo Garland 5. Coffee Filter Garland 6. Scrap Fabric Garland 7. Dove Garland 8. Candy Garland […]

  21. Amanda says:

    Just dropping by to let you know that I linked to this post in a round up today from the Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :) This will appear in the main Craft Gossip RSS feed, on the main home page and can be found directly here

    If you would like a “featured by” button, you can grab one here!

  22. Jessica says:

    Thanks for the tutorial. I just tried it out and loved it!

  23. […] and it is also thrifted.) You can find detailed how-tos on making various pompom garlands here, here and here. And my favorite instructions for making poms themselves is here, courtesy of HonestlyWTF. […]