After some pretty obvious frustration yesterday, I finished some projects. Some I just put away for another time and some I started because I knew I could finish them without loosing my mind. This shirt pattern is from the super fantastic japanese book Happy Homemade Vol. 2.

There is a little keyhole detail in the back, but except for that it’s just a few pieces of fabric cinched together with a tie. The tie works as the straps too and ties in a pretty bow in the back. If I didn’t have to hem the entire tie (and next time I’ll just cut two, sew them together and turn them out) it would have taken an hour start to finish. I don’t know if it fits yet, because little miss is at school, but it turned out so well I won’t even mind if it doesn’t.

I know for sure these shorts don’t fit, but they might in a few years. My son doesn’t care though. He wore them yesterday and today and the front is covered in breakfast, which is why I am only showing you the back. To make these you take a pattern for shorts cut the front and back pieces down the middle (slash and spread) so when you cut out your fabric you should have eight pieces total. Then sew the middle seams with the seam exposed and sew the side seams normally. It’s kind of a cool detail, but I’m not sure how they’ll look out of the wash. I made them from a knit, so they shouldn’t unravel. If they come out ok I’ll make some more in the right size. someday. The pattern is “i” from Everyday Bottoms.
Posted in kcwc spring 2010, kids clothes week challenge, sewing clothes. 10 Comments »

I usually have a fine time while I am sewing, maybe there are a few mistakes here and there, but I fix them and continue on imagining how perfect the dress (or whatever) will be when it’s done and then I start working on the very last step–the waistband or the binding or the damn hem–and everything goes to shit.

It just destroys me every time. Why is it always the last step? Of course it means that in order to fix the screw up you have to undo most of what you just did and unpick a whole lot of seams to get there. But to have made the dress in the first place I’ve had to put everything else I have to do on hold (as I sew I can feel the laundry pile getting bigger and bigger) and now I have to go do all that stuff in half the time because I just wasted two hours on sewing with nothing to show for it.

This dress wasn’t like that at all actually, but I have plenty of projects piling up on my ironing board that are and I’m feeling a leeetle frustrated about it. If this challenge weren’t happening I would just quit and be crabby, but I can’t now. Who came up with this stupid challenge anyway?

But the dress. The pattern is from Carefree Clothes for Girls and in the book it’s made out of woven cottons, but I made it with knits so I could be sure my daughter would wear it. I omitted the button closure on the back and made the neckline a little deeper (I was going to say “I made the head hole bigger,” I think I need more coffee). Because of that, it falls off her shoulder a little when she jumps around (i.e. all the time) which is too bad, but it’s big anyway and next year I think it will fit perfectly. The printed knit I got from Joann’s and the lining was an XL tshirt. I had barely enough of the shirt to make the ruffle, but there were no hems anywhere! so yay!
Posted in kcwc spring 2010, kids clothes week challenge. 28 Comments »

I was able to sneak downstairs yesterday and make these polka dot leggings for my daughter. Holy crap that serger is fast. Once I get going I get a little serger happy, weeeeeeee! Of course then I make a mistake and those seams are a bear to rip out, so I have to serger more to fix the problem and as my grandfather would say, “I cut it and I cut it and it’s still too short.” All that is to say the waistband is a little janky. The pattern is from the Nani Iro book that came out a few years ago. Between the leg and the cuff of the pants the pattern also had a floobidiboo, but I couldn’t figure out the directions and it wasn’t all that fantastic, so I skipped it.

The top I made from this peasant top tutorial. I snagged some of that Heather Ross Far Far Away unicorn print when it was flying off the shelves (but oh! have you seen her new designs?). And I’m so glad that I did because I’ve never worked with double gauze before and it is a whole helluva lot nicer than quilting cotton. It’s light and soft and hangs nicely–perfect for summer. Thankfully the pants and the shirt are a hit even though they are not pink (thankfully).

Posted in kcwc spring 2010, kids clothes week challenge. 17 Comments »

If I were the kind of person who planned ahead even a little I would have had a week of posts with beautifully photographed clothes with finished hems that I had made for my children ready to go. Instead you get a hurried shot of this muscle shirt with a raw edge (I hate hemming!) on a rainy day before school. The shirt is made from the wildly popular 90 minute shirt tutorial by Dana. Only I left off the sleeves and sewed ribbing around the armholes and blazzam! the 30 minute muscle shirt is born. It turned out well, I think. He looks a little like he’s about to go out and race lawnmowers, but that might just be the camo pants.

1. pocketsmock, 2. Music Class Blouse, 3. kids clothes week: frog & toad pants, 4. Ezra in his new pants-in-progress
The flickr group is blowing up with all kinds of amazing clothes. Go check it out! Oh and in case you want to add to your already too long to sew list (like mine) Jennifer from JCasa handmade created a super cute and super quick sundress pattern that you can find here on sew mama sew. I bet you could make it in an hour!
Posted in kcwc spring 2010, kids clothes week challenge. 21 Comments »

The first day of the challenge is here! I did sneak down last night to start my first project and it looks like a lot of people have already finished some fantastic projects. But for the most part everything is just in piles. My hour to sew doesn’t come until evening, so until then I can just click around the over 200 blogs that are participating and see what you are making. Here is my list for the week.
for the girl
- 2 shorts
- 2 dresses (1 done, 1 started)
- 1 tank top
- leggings
- peasant top
for the boy
- 1 pair of shorts
- 1 pair of pants
- 1 short sleeve shirt
- 1 muscle shirt
for the baby
- 1 romper (started)
- 2 long sleeve shirts
- 2 pairs of pants
There is so much more I want to make, which is just ridiculous, but these are the things they actually need for summer. I don’t know if I can pull it off, but the point is just to start, right? What is on your list?
Posted in kcwc spring 2010, kids clothes week challenge. 42 Comments »